10 BEST Flowers to Grow in North Carolina (2023 Guide) (2024)

What are the Best Flowers to Grow in North Carolina?

Finding the Best Flowers to Grow in North Carolina was not as easy as I thought. Some require extensive care, others are prone to pests, and lots are just not simple & quick enough to grow.

That’s why I created a list of the 10 Best Flowers to Grow in North Carolina!

This ultimate guide will give you the Best Flowers to Grow in North Carolina, why you should grow them, and even how to grow them.

Read THIS Before Growing Flowers in North Carolina

Knowing what hardiness zone North Carolina is in is critical to understanding the best flowers that can be grown.

It can be the difference between your flower garden thriving and providing beautiful blooms or producing nothing.

North Carolina is mostly considered Hardiness Zone 7 & 8.

10 BEST Flowers to Grow in North Carolina (2023 Guide) (1)

10 Best Flowers to Grow in North Carolina

#1. Petunias

10 BEST Flowers to Grow in North Carolina (2023 Guide) (2)

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Popular Varieties: Grandiflora, Multiflora, Milliflora, Wave

Why Grow Petunias in North Carolina?

10 BEST Flowers to Grow in North Carolina (2023 Guide) (3)

Thrives in Heat:

  • Petunias are a great annual flower that can bloom until early November but really thrives in heat. You’ll notice the hotter it is the more blooms there are!


  • Flowers typically are not low maintenance. But wave petunias are one of the easiest flowers to grow. They require no deadheading for more blooms.

Perfect for ANY Garden:

  • Some flowers require all sun or all shade to grow. Not Petunias. They can grow anywhere in your garden, in hanging baskets, window boxes, and anywhere else you can think of.

THESE Could Harm Your Petunias

Garden Pests:

  • Like many other annual flowers, petunias can become a victim of garden pests like chipmunks and rabbits who eat the plants before flowers bloom.

Related: 20 Ways to Deter Rabbits from Your Garden

Related: 20 Ways to Prevent Chipmunks in Your Garden


  • If the weather drops below 35 degrees Fahrenheit constantly then expect the flowers on your petunias to wilt and die. Soon after your flower plant itself will die.

Additional Resources

Learn More Petunias HERE

#2. Daisies

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Popular Varieties: English, African, Shasta

Why Grow Daisies in North Carolina?

10 BEST Flowers to Grow in North Carolina (2023 Guide) (5)


  • Daisies are a great plant it and forgot about it flower. Plant bulbs in the fall and actual plants in the spring and watch this beautiful flower come back year after year with little to no maintenance.


  • Not every plant on this list can tolerate heat and full-sun. Daisies though thrive the hotter it gets and more sunlight it receives, making this the perfect flower to plant anywhere in your yard.


  • It seems like deer and rabbits will eat almost any flower or plant in your garden. Deter them from your flower garden with the pugant flavor of daisies..

THESE Could Harm Your Daisies


  • Before Daisies bloom their plant look like weeds. Sometimes humans will accidentally mow them, cut them, or remove them before they have a chance to grow and bloom.

Diseases & Fungus

  • Wet conditions and cold conditions usually mean more disease and fungus. While it does not happen often daisies plants come fall prone to fungus and disease and cause no blooms or death of the flower.

Additional Resources

Learn More About Daisies HERE

#3. Dahlia

10 BEST Flowers to Grow in North Carolina (2023 Guide) (6)

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Popular Varieties: Pinnata, Bishop, Imperialis

Why Grow Dahlias in North Carolina?

10 BEST Flowers to Grow in North Carolina (2023 Guide) (7)

Low Maintenance:

  • Dahlia is the easiest flower to grow. You do not need to fertilize it, barely need to water it, it can be planted in any soil, and you never have to worry about it!

Perfect in Containers:

  • The best spot to plant dahlias is in gardening containers. This is because you can grow them anywhere, such as in your house, on your patio, and even transplant into a window box.

THESE Could Harm Your Dahlia

Garden Pests:

  • Like several other flowers on this list, Dahlias are prone to garden pests. Unlike other flowers garden pests like squirrels, deer, and rabbits will eat bulbs, flowers, and even the plant itself.

Additional Resources

Learn More Dahlias HERE

#4. Zinnia

10 BEST Flowers to Grow in North Carolina (2023 Guide) (8)

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Popular Varieties: Common, Desert, Angustifolia

Why Grow Zinnia in North Carolina?

10 BEST Flowers to Grow in North Carolina (2023 Guide) (9)

Thrives in the heat:

  • While you can plant your Zinnias in spring for a headstart, Zinnias is one of the few spring flowers that can be planted in early summer and still continuously bloom and grow.

Easy to Grow from Seed:

  • Zinnias is the easiest and most popular type of flower to grow from seed. It requires less sunlight, water, and care to germinate compared to other flowers during the winter.

Perfect in All Types of Garden:

  • Some flowers only do well in the ground. Not Zinnias. You can grow them in containers, window boxes, raised garden beds, and even in poor soil.

THESE Could Harm Your Zinnias


  • Zinnias are beautiful flowers, but if the soil gets too wet fungus can cause root rot. Not only this, but it can affect the colors and how long blooms last.

Additional Resources

Learn More About Zinnias HERE

#5. Tulips

10 BEST Flowers to Grow in North Carolina (2023 Guide) (10)

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Popular Varieties: Single, Double, Fringed, Triumph

Why Grow Tulips in North Carolina?

10 BEST Flowers to Grow in North Carolina (2023 Guide) (11)


  • Out of all the flowers on this list it can be argued that the Tulip is the most beautiful flower that blooms in the spring. It comes in shades of white, black, purple, red, yellow, pink, orange, and so much more. It will add so much color no matter where you live.

Perfect for Any Yard:

  • Some flowers only do well in certain soil and sunlight. Not Tulips. You can grow them in containers, window boxes, raised garden beds, and even in poor soil.

Perfect Gift:

  • Whether you are buying someone tulips to plant in their yard or you are cutting your own planted tulips to give someone, this flower is considered the ultimate gift for birthdays, mother’s day, and even Easter.

THESE Could Harm Your Tulips

Squirrels, Rabbits, & Chipmunks:

  • Typically, garden pests will eat other flowers and plants before tulips. But in late fall when squirrels are trying to forage for winter or early spring when rabbits and chipmunks are hungry, tulips may be dug up for food.


  • Tulips typically can survive cold and sometimes brutal winters. What may harm or even kill your tulips is late spring frosts and long spurts of very cold springs.

Additional Resources

Learn More About Tulips HERE

#6. Marigolds

10 BEST Flowers to Grow in North Carolina (2023 Guide) (12)

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Popular Varieties: French, Signet, African, Triploid

Why Grow Marigolds in North Carolina?

10 BEST Flowers to Grow in North Carolina (2023 Guide) (13)

Thrives in the heat & cold:

  • If you have early spring frosts or late fall frost then Marigolds is the perfect flower to plant for an extended flower garden season.

Continous Blooms:

  • Marigolds are another flower that has continuous blooms for 6-8 months of the year. All you have to do is deadhead them.

Attracts Pollinators:

  • Attracting Pollinators are hard. But it doesn’t have to be. Just plant your Marigold flowers and watch bees, butterflies, and birds come to it.

Related: 50 USEFUL Plants that Attract Bees

THESE Could Harm Your Marigolds

Spider Mites:

  • Marigolds are one of the more insect-resistant flowers. But its weakness is spider mites. Spider Mites are known to quickly destroy marigolds if not remedied early.

Related: 10 Best Insecticides for Flowers


  • Drought is one of the biggest threats to growing marigolds. Marigold plants need a consistent amount of water to thrive and produce blooms. Without water, expect little to no blooms.

Additional Resources

Learn More About Marigolds HERE

#7. Daffodils

10 BEST Flowers to Grow in North Carolina (2023 Guide) (14)

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Popular Varieties: Trumpet, Large Cup, Small Cup, Double, Triandrus

Why Grow Daffodils in North Carolina?

10 BEST Flowers to Grow in North Carolina (2023 Guide) (15)


  • These low-maintenance flowers require very little care. You don’t have to prune it or deadhead it to have more flowers bloom. Not only this, but it thrives in cold and hot!


  • Daffodils are probably the hardiest flower on this list. They can survive long period of cold, heat, garden pests, and sometimes even disease and fungus. You plant them and they’ll keep coming up year after year.

THESE Could Harm Your Daffodils

Garden Pests

  • Daffodils can quickly be eaten in early spring by garden pests like deer and rabbits who are hungry. Typically this happen before any type of flowers grow.


  • While cold and frost won’t hurt a daffodil, if it happens late in spring when flowers have bloom it will stunt, diminish color, and even kill the flower bloom itself.

Additional Resources

Learn More About Daffodils HERE

#8. Lily

10 BEST Flowers to Grow in North Carolina (2023 Guide) (16)

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Popular Varieties: Common, yellow, dwarf

Why Grow Lilies in North Carolina?

10 BEST Flowers to Grow in North Carolina (2023 Guide) (17)

Blooms All Summer:

  • If you pick the right type of lily, it can bloom not only in spring but also throughout the summer. And if you like different types you can’t plant these flowers so different ones bloom at different times in the year. Best of all is that they are perennials!

Great for Small Spaces:

  • Lilies is one of the only flowers on this list that grows perfectly vertical. This means it is perfect for small spaces, urban gardeners, or in between other plants as a cross-pollinator.

THESE Could Harm Your Lilies

Garden Pests:

  • Deer love lilies, especially Daylilies. Make sure to plant this flower close to your house, in a raised garden bed, or in a fenced in area of your yard or garden.


  • Most flowers, including Lilies tolerate rain, heat, cold, shade, and droughts. But too much rain can cause root rot and other diseases that will kill your Lilies.

Additional Resources

Did you know that Lilies are the most popular summer-blooming flower in North Carolina? And it is also one of the least expensive perennials flowers to grow.

#9. Black Eyed Susans

10 BEST Flowers to Grow in North Carolina (2023 Guide) (18)

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Popular Varieties: Black-Eyed Susan, Brown-Eyed Susan, Cutleaf Coneflower

Why Grow Black-Eyed Susans in North Carolina?

10 BEST Flowers to Grow in North Carolina (2023 Guide) (19)

Thrives in Droughts:

  • Black Eyed Susan do extremely well in droughts and although flowers may not bloom as plentiful, they will still thrive.

Perfect for All Gardens

  • Black-Eyed Susans are the perfect flower that can be planted anywhere in your yard, garden, and even inside your house for all year summer blooms. While they thrive in gardens they also do well in compacted soil or in mulched areas of your yard.

Attracts Pollinators:

  • If you want to attract butterflies, bees, and birds to your flowers and garden all summer long then grow black-eyed susans! This is the perfect flower to attract pollinators not only in the summer, but even early fall.

THESE Could Harm Your Black Eyed Susans


  • There aren’t many items that can harm or kill your black-eyed susans. One of the few things that can harm your flower is weeds. Once weeds begin to take over your garden or yard they will overtake your flower, hindering it from growing and blooming.

Additional Resources

Learn more about black-eyed susans and other spring flowers that attract pollinators HERE.

#10. Coneflowers

10 BEST Flowers to Grow in North Carolina (2023 Guide) (20)

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Popular Varieties: Purple, Yellow, Pale Purple

Why Grow Coneflowers in North Carolina?

10 BEST Flowers to Grow in North Carolina (2023 Guide) (21)

Perfect for All Summer Gardens:

  • Coneflower flowers are the perfect flower that can be planted anywhere in your yard, garden, and even inside your house.

Numerous Varieties:

  • There are almost 24 variants of Coneflower flowers. They come in many sizes and bloom beautiful colors of pink, purple, white, yellow, etc. They are easy to grow and can be planted anywhere in the world making them a favorite of beginner flower gardeners.

THESE Could Harm Your Coneflowers


Garen pests won’t bother coneflowers, drought and rain won’t either, but insects will. Japanese beetles, potato whiteflies, aphids, and mites will not only harm but destroy your coneflowers.

Additional Resources

Learn How to Grow Coneflowers HERE

Common Growing Factors of North Carolina’s Best Flowers

10 BEST Flowers to Grow in North Carolina (2023 Guide) (22)

As a reminder, the below factors are common for the Best Flowers to Grow in North Carolina:

  • Thrives in Heat & Drought
  • Thrives in Cold
  • Can Grow anywhere in your yard
  • Hardy against Pests & Insects
  • Requires Little Care & Water
  • Attracts Pollinators
  • Ground Covers
  • Great for Small Garden Space
  • Durable & Versatile
10 BEST Flowers to Grow in North Carolina (2023 Guide) (2024)


10 BEST Flowers to Grow in North Carolina (2023 Guide)? ›

The general rule of thumb for the Raleigh, NC area is to plant after the last frost of the winter season, which is typically around April 15th through Mother's Day. Be sure to get your beds established before the summer heat sets in!

What plants grow best in NC? ›

Recommended Native Species
Scientific NameCommon NameLight
Magnolia acuminataCucumber treepart-sun / shade
Nyssa sylvaticaBlack tupelofull-sun / shade
Platanus occidentalisSycamorefull-sun / part-sun
Picea rubensRed sprucefull-sun / shade
19 more rows

When should you plant flowers in NC? ›

The general rule of thumb for the Raleigh, NC area is to plant after the last frost of the winter season, which is typically around April 15th through Mother's Day. Be sure to get your beds established before the summer heat sets in!

What flower is native to North Carolina? ›

Butterfly Milkweed

This native North Carolina perennial is popular with many other species of butterfly, as well as bees and other pollinators. This native plant is low-maintenance and can be easily started from seed. The flowers are bright orange, showy, and bloom from mid to late summer.

What is the new flower for 2023? ›

2023 New Annual Flowers

'Hula' begonias are a unique “spreading” type of begonia that spreads at an early stage and with more early flowering. This annual plant is highly branched with lots of small flowers.

What is the top 10 fastest growing plant? ›

7 of the Fastest-Growing Plants for Your Garden
  • Morning Glory (ipomoea)
  • Radishes (raphanus sativus)
  • Inchplant (tradescantia zebrina)
  • Hay-Scented Fern (dennstaedtia punctilobula)
  • Chives (allium schoenoprasum)
  • Schreber's Aster (eurybia schreberi)
  • Arugula (eruca sativa)
Feb 22, 2023

What is the number one crop in NC? ›

Tobacco, sweet potatoes and livestock are North Carolina's top agricultural drivers. Even as North Carolina grows in population and diversifies its economy, agriculture continues to be a main economic driver for the state.

What month should you start a garden in NC? ›

It is safe to plant warm-season crops like cucumbers, tomatoes, southern peas, and lima beans outside after the last average frost date, which averages from late March on the coast to the end of April or later in the mountains. A few warm-season crops will tolerate very light frost and can be started a little earlier.

What month should you start a flower garden? ›

Generally speaking, spring-flowering bulbs should be planted in the fall (a few weeks before the first frost), while summer-flowering bulbs should be planted in the spring (a few weeks after the last frost).

When can I plant perennials in North Carolina? ›

It's best to plant bulbs for perennials in the fall. The ground is still workable and warm enough to give the bulbs the perfect environment for them to take root and bloom in the spring. The bulbs store energy from the warmth in the soil and this allows them to develop a deep root system.

What is a popular flower in NC? ›

Chrysanthemums are perennials, however, and grow wonderfully as such in North Carolina gardens. Flowers are abundant and showy, with colors such as white, yellow, orange, red, pink, green, purple, and bronze, as well as bicolor varieties. Chrysanthemums grow best in full sun.

What is the purple North Carolina flower? ›

Passionflower — it's one of the most beautiful wild flowers you'll ever see in Western North Carolina. Wispy lavender tendrils spike out on top of purple/white petals.

What are the prettiest flowers in 2023? ›

The best new perennial flowers of 2023 | George Weigel
  • Coneflower Artisan Yellow Ombre.
  • Astilbe 'Dark Side of the Moon'
  • Loosestrife 'Burgundy Mist'
  • Delphinium 'Red Lark'
  • Salvia Blue by You.
  • Rudbeckia Goldblitz.
  • Agastache 'Pink Pearl'
  • Brunnera 'Queen of Hearts'
Jan 19, 2023

What is the most beautiful flower 2023? ›

Alongside its plant pick, the calathea rattlesnake, 1-800-Flowers.com named the orchid its flower of the year. Yes, the beautiful, but oftentimes hard-to-care-for orchid is the “it” plant for 2023. It's in good company with the tulip (the 2022 title holder) and sunflower (the 2021 star plant).

What is the most popular flower in 2023? ›

The Flower Council identified the theme of “Collecting Memories” for their 2023 Spring/Summer collection. They predict that flowers like roses, carnations, and ranunculus will trend in 2023, along with plants like hydrangea, ficus, and eucalyptus.

What is the fastest growing plant in North Carolina? ›

This fast-growing tree (it can grow 15' a year) competes aggressively with native species in disturbed areas in the mountains and foothills of North Carolina and other southeastern states.

Is North Carolina good for gardening? ›

North Carolina's gardening landscape is as diverse as its regions, from the rolling hills of the Piedmont to the bustling streets of Raleigh, offering a growing season that accommodates a wide array of flowers, vegetables, and native plants.

What crop is North Carolina known for? ›

What crop is North Carolina known for? The simple answer is tobacco. We rank first in the nation in tobacco production, with a farm income of $506 million in 2006.


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