13 Lavender Tree Care Mistakes (How to Care for Lavender Tree the Right Way) (2024)

Table of Contents
Lavender Tree (Lavandula) IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Ranking Least Concern Lavender Plant: Tree or Flower? (What’s the Difference Between Lavender and a Lavender Tree?) Is a Lavender Tree the Same as a Jacaranda Tree? How To Care for Lavender Plants in Pots 13 Lavender Tree Care Mistakes That People Commonly Make Mistake #1: Improper Pruning Lavender Tree Pruning How To Prune Lavender Tree After a Harvest Mistake #2: Forgetting To Consider the Climate Lavender Tree Zone Mistake #3: Incorrect Soil Mistake #4: Fertilizing Mistake #5: Overwatering Mistake #6: Forgetting the Old Flowers Mistake #7: Forgetting To Check for Fungal Diseases Mistake #8: Insufficient Space Between the Plants Mistake #9: Not Protecting From Hard Frosts Mistake #10: Choosing the Wrong Lavender for Your Climate Mistake #11: Insufficient Sun Mistake #12: Cutting Woody Parts Mistake #13: Growing It in Poor-Draining Soil Ancient Practices of the Lavender Tree What Today’s Scientists Have Proven? 20 Different Types of Lavender Trees #1 Lavandula X Intermedia ‘Hidecote Giant’ (Hidecote Giant) #2 Lavandula X Intermedia ‘Phenomenal’ (Phenomenal) #3 Lavandula X Intermedia ‘Groso’ (Grosso) #4 Lavandula X Intermedia ‘Provence” (Provence) #5 Lavandula X Intermedia (Lavandin) #6 Lavandula Latifolia (Portuguese Lavender) #7 Lavandula Dentata (Fringed Lavender) #8 Lavandula Pedunculata Subsp. Pedunculata (Butterfly Lavender ‘Papillon’) #9 Lavandula Stoechas’ Pretty Polly’ (Pretty Polly French Lavender) #10 Lavandula Angustifolia (‘Hidecote’ English Lavender) #11 Lavandula Stoechas ‘With Love’ (French Lavender ‘With Love’) #12 Lavandula Angustifolia ‘Alba Nana’ (‘Alba Nana’ English Lavender) #13 Lavandula Angustifolia’ Royal Velvet’ (‘Royal Velvet’ English Lavender) #14 Lavandula Angustifolia’ Little Lottie’ (‘Little Lottie’ English Lavender) #15 Lavandula Angustifolia ‘Folgate’ (‘Folgate’ English Lavender) #16 Lavandula Angustifolia ‘Thumbelina Leigh’ (‘Thumbelina Leigh’ English Lavender) #17 Lavandula Angustifolia ‘Rosea’ (Pink English Lavender) #18 Lavandula Angustifolia ‘Munstead’ (‘Munstead’ English Lavender) #19 Lavandula Stoechas ‘Anouk’ (French Lavender ‘Anouk’) #20 Lavendula Stoechas ‘Ballerina’ (‘Ballerina’ French Lavender) The Most Common Varieties of Lavender in the United States English Lavender Tree Lavender Tree: Sun or Shade Lavender Tree Care Tips Standard Lavender Tree Care How To Care for Lavender Tree: Outdoors Costco Lavender Tree Care Lavender Tree Winter Care How To Trim a Lavender Patio Tree How To Prune Lavender for Winter How To Prune Lavender in the Spring Pruning Lavender in Summer How To Prune Spanish Lavender How To Prune English Lavender Pruning Lavender Twice a Year Potted Lavender Tree Growing Lavender in Pots How To Care for a Lavender Tree How To Care for a Small Lavender Tree How To Care for a Lavender Tree Outside Lavender Tree Care Indoors Frequently Asked Questions About Lavender Tree Care What Is Wrong With My Lavender? How Do You Look After a Lavender Tree? How Do You Revive a Dying Lavender Tree? How Does Overwatered Lavender Look? How Does Underwatered Lavender Look? How Do I Know That My Lavender Is Dying? Can Dead Lavender Come Back? Are Lavender Plants Easy to Maintain? Does Lavender Spread? Are Lavender Trees Perennials? (Is Lavender Tree Perennial?) What Is Lavender Tree Size? (What Is Lavender Tree Height?) Is Lavender Tree Outdoor? Can You Grow Lavender Tree Indoors? Can Lavender Survive Winter in Pots? Does Lavender Come Back Every Year? Can Lavender Tree Survive Winter? Is a Lavender Tree an Outdoor or Indoor Plant? Are Lavender Trees Toxic to Dogs? How Often Does Lavender Tree Bloom? What if You Don't Prune Lavender? Do Lavender Trees Bloom All Summer? Is Lavender Poisonous? Can You Smoke Lavender? What Does Lavender Do When You Smoke It? Can You Eat Lavender? Can You Drink Lavender Tea? Learn More About Lavender Tree References FAQs References

13 Lavender Tree Care Mistakes (How to Care for Lavender Tree the Right Way) (1)

Are you a lavender tree lover, but you find that you must be making some lavender tree care mistakes, because your plants aren’t as healthy as they could be?

Perhaps you have always wanted to plant one, but you are afraid you may not have the right growing conditions to allow the plant to thrive?

And, just what is a Lavender tree and what’s the best way to take care of it?

Many people want to grow lavender but aren’t sure where to start. This complete guide outlines everything you ever wanted to know about Lavender Tree care, so you’ll be able to get started right away.

Lavender Tree


13 Lavender Tree Care Mistakes (How to Care for Lavender Tree the Right Way) (2)

  • Habitat of Origin: Mediterranean Region, Asia, Arabia, Southern Europe, and North Africa
  • Family: Lamiaceae
  • Humidity and Temperature: War, dry, and temperate conditions.
  • Order: Lamiales
  • Moisture: Moderate water. It is tolerant to drought and dry conditions.
  • Kingdom: Planate
  • Maintenance: Easy. Must have well-draining soil.
  • Tribe: Ocimeae
  • Feeding: Rare. Unnecessary
  • Zones Grown: 5 to 9
  • Deadheading/Pruning: Must be annual to maintain form. Flowers could be cut as desired for bouquets or projects. Topiary tree look should be maintained when harvesting the flowers and branches.
  • Light: Full Sun
  • Overwintering: Below zone 5 to 7, it should be placed indoors during the winter. Should be placed at the sunniest spot available. In zones above 7, it can survive winter outdoors. Must not be overwatered.
  • Soil: Must be well-draining. Should be average to poor. Should be neutral to alkaline with between 6.5pH to 7.5pH.
  • Average Height: 2-3 feet (0.6 – 1 meter)

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Ranking

Least Concern










Lavender Plant: Tree or Flower? (What’s the Difference Between Lavender and a Lavender Tree?)

Lavender is beloved around the world for it’s soothing, wonderful scent, but the plant itself is technically a shrub.

It has gray-green leaves and aroma, the purple flowers grow in clusters and on straight, woody stems.

A Lavender tree is the shrub, but it grown as a topiary, or shaped in the same way you would learn how to trim a bonsai tree.

You can grow it for several reasons, and most people choose lavender trees for their beauty, scent, and calming presence.

Related Reading: How to care for a Bonsai tree

Is a Lavender Tree the Same as a Jacaranda Tree?

No, a lavender tree is not the same as a Jacaranda Tree, although it is often called that because of the lavender colored flowers that hand gracefully from the branches.

13 Lavender Tree Care Mistakes (How to Care for Lavender Tree the Right Way) (3)

(Image: estall9)

The origin of lavender is in the Mediterranean. That’s why it mainly flourishes in the temperate regions of the world. Zone 5 can be tricky for it because it may find it too cold in the winter, but there are species that can still be grown.

If grown in zone 5, it must withstand temperatures of -10 to -20 Fahrenheit (-23 to -29 degrees Celsius).5 Most lavender varieties are English and French, and only the former can survive in extreme cold. However, there are French hybrids that can also survive in zone 5 regions.

How To Care for Lavender Plants in Pots

The soil must be well-drained, and you can add perlite for extra drainage.3 Whether you place it indoors or outdoors, make sure it can access full sun. Prune it regularly and trim it when it is established.

13 Lavender Tree Care Mistakes That People Commonly Make

Here are the things that people need to avoid in growing lavender trees.

Mistake #1: Improper Pruning

Most people neglect to properly prune their lavenders, and they end up looking woody and spindly with dead flowers.

Lavender Tree Pruning

It depends on the type of lavender that you have, but it is generally advised that you should do this at least twice a year. But don’t prune below the woody section of the stem because this may induce its death, especially during the winter because it won’t be able to protect itself.

How To Prune Lavender Tree After a Harvest

Use shears or scissors to cut off the branches.

Don’t prune the woody region. Leave green on the stems. Do this twice a year to keep the plant healthy.8

Mistake #2: Forgetting To Consider the Climate

Like an oak tree, they prefer well-drained soil and full sun. They grow in a warm, arid, and sunny climate. There are several species that favor other climates, such as the Portuguese lavender, which prefers dry and warm conditions like its original habitat, which is the Mediterranean.

Lavender Tree Zone

They generally thrive in zones 5 to 9. English lavender is hardy to winter and can survive in zone 5, but French and English lavenders thrive in zone 8.

Mistake #3: Incorrect Soil

It prefers well-drained soil. It does not like wet and nutritious soils. Also, consider lean, calciferous soils.

Mistake #4: Fertilizing

Don’t put too much fertilizer in the soil. It will make them grow excessively with unnatural luxuriance. The flowers will also become lazy.

Avoid fertilizers at all or put as little as possible.

Mistake #5: Overwatering

Don’t overwater your lavender because it will become droopy. It thrives in well-drained soil.

If you live in a rainy location, plant it on top of a small mound of soil because this will encourage drainage.

Mistake #6: Forgetting the Old Flowers

You should never forget the ‘deadhead’ old flowers. You must always remove them so that you give them room to keep on blossoming.

Mistake #7: Forgetting To Check for Fungal Diseases

This is especially important if you grow it in a wet region or one with extra humidity.

It is susceptible to fungal diseases like root rot, phytophthora, and ‘shab.’

Mistake #8: Insufficient Space Between the Plants

Lavender plants need between 2 and 4 feet in each direction. It ensures that they have enough sun and space to spread their roots.

Mistake #9: Not Protecting From Hard Frosts

When it is dormant, it can handle up to -200F. However, most species handle between 200F and 300F. You must protect them from extreme cold weather.

Mistake #10: Choosing the Wrong Lavender for Your Climate

Most lavender species survive in zones 4-10. However, there are others that are sensitive to frost and can’t handle humidity and heat.

Therefore, choose wisely.

Mistake #11: Insufficient Sun

It craves sunlight.1 You must expose it to the sun between 8 and 10 hours a day. Without it, it will die.

Mistake #12: Cutting Woody Parts

You can do this accidentally. It will damage and eventually kill your lavender.

Mistake #13: Growing It in Poor-Draining Soil

This is the most common mistake that people make. You must remember that lavenders prefer high-draining soil. Waterlogged or soggy soils lead to fungal diseases and root rot.

Ancient Practices of the Lavender Tree

In ancient times, Egyptians used lavender in the process of embalming. They wrapped the deceased in lavender-socked shrouds.

In AD 77, it is documented that the Romans used it to soothe insect bites and repel them as well. You can still add a sachet of lavender to your sheets, towels, or attire to repel moths, especially when you go camping.

What Today’s Scientists Have Proven?

The lavender herb has been proven to have calming effects.

13 Lavender Tree Care Mistakes (How to Care for Lavender Tree the Right Way) (4)

(Image: Couleur11)

If you suffer from insomnia, you can slip a sachet of lavender into your pillow and it will calm you and help you to sleep.4 The oil naturally induces sleep.7

20 Different Types of Lavender Trees

There are weird trees in this world that could as well be from Mars. But lavender is not one of them. Over 39 species of this tree exist, but this list consists of only the 20 most common ones.

#1 Lavandula X Intermedia ‘Hidecote Giant’ (Hidecote Giant)

It is unusual and has a plump, big and thick spike of flowers. It is mostly found in zones 5 to 8 and grows up to 3 feet (60 – 90 centimeters) tall. Its flowers may be magenta or purple.

13 Lavender Tree Care Mistakes (How to Care for Lavender Tree the Right Way) (5)

(Image: David J. Stang12)

#2 Lavandula X Intermedia ‘Phenomenal’ (Phenomenal)

13 Lavender Tree Care Mistakes (How to Care for Lavender Tree the Right Way) (6)

(Image: Consultaplantas13)

It is luxurious, rich, and dense. It has a topmost flagrant and will give you violet purple thick shrubs and flower spikes. It grows in zones 5 to 9, is between 2 and 3 feet tall, and flowers from mid-summer to fall.

#3 Lavandula X Intermedia ‘Groso’ (Grosso)

It is good for covering slopes because it is a vigorous and fast grower. It is elegant and mostly grows between zones 5 to 8. Its average height is 2-3 feet, and flowers from mid to late summer.

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(Image: David J. Stang14)

#4 Lavandula X Intermedia ‘Provence” (Provence)

13 Lavender Tree Care Mistakes (How to Care for Lavender Tree the Right Way) (8)

(Image: David J. Stang15)

It grows in all regions associated with lavender. It can grow in zones 5 to 8, with an average height of 2-3 feet. Its flowering season is from mid-to late-summer.

#5 Lavandula X Intermedia (Lavandin)

It is the most fragrant lavender. It is a hybrid of English lavender and Portuguese lavender.

The flower colors could be lilac, blue, or violet, and it has a strong soapy smell. Its herbal overtone is sometimes minty, and the flower spikes can sometimes be in groups of 3.6

#6 Lavandula Latifolia (Portuguese Lavender)

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(Image: Javier martin17)

Its flowers are typically purple with regular spikes. Its smell is elegant, but its shrubs come in large clumps of silver-green leaves.

It can grow in zones 6-9 with an average height of 12-30 inches (30 – 80 centimeters). It mainly blooms between June and September.

#7 Lavandula Dentata (Fringed Lavender)

It has a weak scent but with beautiful purple flowers. It also has silver-green leaves and can grow between zones 8 to 10. Its average height is 24 to 48 inches (60 – 120 centimeters), but it can flower all-round the year, with its peak either in early winter or in fall.

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(Image: AAleMA ciencias18)

13 Lavender Tree Care Mistakes (How to Care for Lavender Tree the Right Way) (12)

(Image: Xemenendura19)

#8 Lavandula Pedunculata Subsp. Pedunculata (Butterfly Lavender ‘Papillon’)

It is a lesser species but has ears and bracts that are also found in French lavender. It mostly says that “I’m different.”

It grows in zones 9 to 11, with an average height of 1 to 2 feet (30 – 60 centimeters). In some climates, it flowers all around the year, but mainly between May and the end of summer.

#9 Lavandula Stoechas’ Pretty Polly’ (Pretty Polly French Lavender)

It has long ears and top spikes, mostly growing in zones 8 to 9. It can grow to between 1 and 2 feet tall and blossoms three times a year between mid-spring and late summer.

13 Lavender Tree Care Mistakes (How to Care for Lavender Tree the Right Way) (13)

(Image: Guywets20)

13 Lavender Tree Care Mistakes (How to Care for Lavender Tree the Right Way) (14)

(Image: AnRo000221)

#10 Lavandula Angustifolia (‘Hidecote’ English Lavender)

It is the most popular English lavender. It has dark purple flowers and a very strong scent.

It only blooms once a year, from late spring to early summer 8

It survives in zones 5 to 9, can grow to between 1 and 2 feet tall, and has a flowering season from late spring to mid-summer.

#11 Lavandula Stoechas ‘With Love’ (French Lavender ‘With Love’)

When you see it, the words that will come to your mind will include “class” and “elegance.” It is extremely beautiful, with unusual green foliage. It has short and plump spikes of cerise-purple ears.5

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(Image: Krzysztof Ziarnek22)

The veins in them are a bright magenta, white, and delicate pink. It survives in zones 6 to 10, can grow to between 1 and 2 feet tall, and has a flowering season between mid-spring and fall. It blooms thrice a year.

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(Image: Buendia2223)

#12 Lavandula Angustifolia ‘Alba Nana’ (‘Alba Nana’ English Lavender)

It is a “dwarf dawn” variety. It has candid white blooms with a soothing scent. Its small size makes it perfect for terraces, patio gardens, and pots.

It can grow in zones 5 to 9, with an average height of 10 and 12 inches (25 – 30 centimeters). It blooms once a year between mid- and late-summer.

#13 Lavandula Angustifolia’ Royal Velvet’ (‘Royal Velvet’ English Lavender)

It grows uprightly and can fill flower beds, containers, and hedges. It has a richness of scent with a depth of color. Its flowers are dark violet to navy blue.

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(Image: Luke Barnard24)

It’s hardy to zones 5 to 9, and can grow to between 2 and 3 feet. It usually blooms only once a year in late spring but can do so more times if you trim the flowers after each bloom.

#14 Lavandula Angustifolia’ Little Lottie’ (‘Little Lottie’ English Lavender)

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(Image: hans25)

It can come in two colors; either in light or white magenta. It is hard to zone 5 to 9 and can grow to between 1 and 2 feet tall. It usually blooms in late spring but can do it in early and late summer.

#15 Lavandula Angustifolia ‘Folgate’ (‘Folgate’ English Lavender)

It has purple flowers and thick blooms. It is hardy to zones 5 to 9, can grow to between 2 and 3 feet, and blooms between mid-to-late spring.

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(Image: LucyMcRae26)

13 Lavender Tree Care Mistakes (How to Care for Lavender Tree the Right Way) (20)

(Image: Van3ssa_27)

#16 Lavandula Angustifolia ‘Thumbelina Leigh’ (‘Thumbelina Leigh’ English Lavender)

Its inflorescences are thick and short, and its flowers are few. The stems are plump and violet.

It’s hardy to zones 5 to 9 and can grow to between 10 and 12 inches (25-30 centimeters). It mostly blooms once a year between early- to mid-summer. But it can do so more times if you prune the spent flowers early.

#17 Lavandula Angustifolia ‘Rosea’ (Pink English Lavender)

It has an extremely calming fragrance with pink flowers. It’s hardy to zones 5 to 9 and can grow between 2 and 3 feet high. It only blooms once a year, from late spring to early summer.

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(Image: Katrina Wright28)

#18 Lavandula Angustifolia ‘Munstead’ (‘Munstead’ English Lavender)

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(Image: Annie Spratt29)

It has ‘noble’ or ‘royal’ origins because it was introduced in the English Palace in 1916 by Gertrude Jekyll. It has five clear petals with compact flowers that have a rosy purple shade.

It is hardy to zones 5 to 9 and can grow to between 1 and 2 feet tall. It blooms once a year from late spring to early mid-summer.

#19 Lavandula Stoechas ‘Anouk’ (French Lavender ‘Anouk’)

Its flowers contain a beautiful shade of magenta. Its ears pop.5

It’s hardy to zones 6 to 10 and can grow to between 1 and 2 feet. It blooms thrice a year from mid-spring to late summer and may even do it in fall.

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(Image: Joe Pee30)

13 Lavender Tree Care Mistakes (How to Care for Lavender Tree the Right Way) (24)

(Image: manseok_Kim31)

#20 Lavendula Stoechas ‘Ballerina’ (‘Ballerina’ French Lavender)

It is slow and has upright stems. Its flowers are violet-purple, and its ears are elegant, big, and white.

It’s hardy to zones 8 to 9, can grow to between 1 and 2 feet tall, and usually flowers once a year. This can be from mid-spring to late September or in May, June, August, or September.

The Most Common Varieties of Lavender in the United States

With so many diverse tree species, have you ever wondered how many trees are in the United States and how many varieties of lavender trees are there? There are 6 most popular lavender varieties grown in the United States. They include;

  • Lavandula Latifola (Portuguese Lavender)
  • Lavandula X Intermedia (Impress Purple, Hybrid)
  • Lavandula Angustifolia (Betty’s Blue, English Lavender)
  • Lavandula Dentata (French Lavender)
  • Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavenite Petite, English Lavender)
  • Lavandula stoechas (Spanish Lavender)

English Lavender Tree

This is one of the most popular lavender species not just in the US but also in other regions of the world. It thrives in well-drained soil of 6.5 – 7.5 pH. It also needs full sun.6

13 Lavender Tree Care Mistakes (How to Care for Lavender Tree the Right Way) (25)

Its suitable climates range from zones 5 to 10 on the USDFA hardiness scale. Since its germination is slow, it cannot perform in water-logged soils.

If you want to start new plants, put the cuttings in sterile moist sandy soil, 3 – 4 inches apart. Make sure that the frame is cold and it has lath protection.

The most recommended varieties include Hidcote, Munstead, Hidcote Pink, and English. Others are Lady, Vera, Sarah, and Jean Davis.

Lavender Tree: Sun or Shade

You should plant your lavender trees in spots that get at least 6 – 8 hours of sunlight.

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(Image: Hans32)

There should not be a shade.

Lavender Tree Care Tips

Lavender is not one of the 8 endangered tree species helping fight climate change, but you need to take good care of it well if you plant it. To do it in the best way possible, you must grow it in well-draining soil. You can amend the soil with perlite to give it extra drainage.

Whether you are growing it indoors or outdoors, ensure it has access to full sun (at least 6 hours a day).

Regular care involves regular pruning. When it is established in a pot, trim the stems that start to dangle. But you can encourage bushy growth by not cutting down its woody parts but cutting a few inches of the stems.

If you need an expert to trim the trees, you might want to use a tree-trimming cost calculator to get a price estimate. You will need to specify the required information to get the most accurate result.

Even though maintaining a tree can be intensive, the benefits to our ecosystem make it worthwhile. Do you have a general idea of how many trees offset carbon emissions? We do need a lot, and planting just one tree can help.

Standard Lavender Tree Care

Never overwater your lavender tree, but keep its soil consistently moist without allowing it to over-dry. It should be at least 1 inch in depth dry between watering.

Frequently prune it to maintain its shape. You can use scissors or ikebana-type shears. In warm zones, keep it outdoors all year, but if you live in cold zones, keep it indoors during winter.

How To Care for Lavender Tree: Outdoors

This plant loves and needs full sun and warm temperatures. They do extremely well in rocky bluffs that overlook the Mediterranean and thrive well in similar climates.

You can plant it in containers or on the ground. Although most of them are hardy in zone 5, some types do well in zones 7 – 9.

Almost all parts of the plant are high above the ground, but you need extra protection for it during the winter.

Costco Lavender Tree Care

Recently, Costco began to sell the most beautiful potted lavender trees. Caring for them does not require special attention. Just ensure that they get a lot of sun.

They also need a lot of heat. Therefore, you can put them alongside objects that retain a lot of heat, such as a long wall or stone, or even a sidewalk. You can also place it around a concrete poolside.

Lavender Tree Winter Care

During winter, the plant is undergoing a period of dormancy.

Therefore, water it less; keep it in a non-freezing and cool location with sufficient air circulation.

How To Trim a Lavender Patio Tree

Use ikebana-type shears or scissors for easier trimming.2 After flowering, snip all flower stems but don’t cut into the woody parts.

How To Prune Lavender for Winter

Try to make the dome-shaped, but leave the stems longer, especially in the middle parts. Make them gradually shorter as you move toward the outer edges.

How To Prune Lavender in the Spring

You should do this to minimize the development of woody stems and ensure that it has time to reestablish themselves. Don’t cut the stems too far down. You should cut it 2 – 3 inches above the woody base.

Prune the outer stems a little shorter than the inner ones if you want to have a nice rounded shape. Completely remove any diseased, frost-damaged, or dead parts.

Pruning Lavender in Summer

Take some best snips and use them as cuttings to begin new plants.

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(Image: RODNAE Productions33)

When you do it in late – summer or early – fall, cut back at least a third of the plant. Ensure that you get a pleasant shape.

If you live in a cold region, do not run during early fall because you may cause it to frost damage.

How To Prune Spanish Lavender

Following its first flush of flowers, prune at least a third of the plant. Harvest the sweet-smelling flower buds, and trim them again when the second flush fades.

How To Prune English Lavender

Do it immediately after the first flowering and again after the fading of the second flush. Cut about two-thirds of its height, or just above the bottom, two sets of leaves on every stem. Don’t cut the woody part because this will cause damage.

Do this twice a year to keep it compact and healthy.

Pruning Lavender Twice a Year

This is the best way to take care of a lavender tree.You should do it first in early spring, then in late summer after it is done blooming.

Potted Lavender Tree

Potted lavender trees are commonly known as lavender topiary. They are mainly Spanish lavender and can grow to between 2 and 3 feet tall. This depends on pot size because it can grow taller than this.

It has a bare wooden stem with a bushy crown. Its leaves are grayish-green. When it blooms, the cylindrical or conical spikes become purple.

The most important benefit of the potted lavender tree is that you can enjoy the attractive flowers, aroma, and beauty for at least 5 years.

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(Image: congerdesign10)

It is versatile and ideal for balconies, patios, gardens, and even your sunny window.

They don’t perform well in cold regions but have low maintenance requirements.

Growing Lavender in Pots

First, buy a small plant from the nursery and prune its stems to develop a good shape. Remove the side stems and leave the central ones to form the tree. You can also grow it from cuttings.

13 Lavender Tree Care Mistakes (How to Care for Lavender Tree the Right Way) (29)

Trim out its lower side stems and shoots and leave the main ones. Place a bamboo cane to support it in the pot and tie the small lavender to it.

Care for it well so that it grows into a 2- to 3-foot tree. Ensure that the drainage holes are larger than the root ball. This prevents too much moisture.

How To Care for a Lavender Tree

Do not overwater it. Prune it at least twice a year, and make sure it has access to the sun.

How To Care for a Small Lavender Tree

Make sure that it has well-draining soil. Also, maintain the way you would maintain a big lavender tree by pruning it at least twice a year and not overwatering it. Don’t also use fertilizer on its soil.

How To Care for a Lavender Tree Outside

Place it in a spot that has full sunlight. You can use a sandy mixture of soil to make it well-draining. You can also add a teaspoon of lime.

Lavender Tree Care Indoors

Position it in a place on the window that has at least 3 – 4 hours of sunlight per day. Only water it when the top inch of the soil is dry and put little to no fertilizer on it. Make sure that the room you put it in has moderate temperatures and low humidity.

There are a lot of trees in the world, but what percentage of individuals do you believe actively plant trees with the intention of protecting the environment? You are already helping the environment by doing a study on the various lavender tree varieties available to you. By trying the ecological footprint quiz, you may go a little further and determine whether you’ll need one of the carbon credit providers for the tree planting offset project you have in mind.

Let’s all agree that we make many mistakes when growing trees. And while we can’t do the kind of projects that 8 Billion Trees is doing all over the world to reduce global warming, we can contribute our two cents worth, such as caring for the trees we grow in the right way.

And if you are a lavender grower, or at least you want to be, this starts with you recognizing the 13 common mistakes and caring for your lavender tree the right way.

Read More About: Forest Carbon Offsets

Frequently Asked Questions About Lavender Tree Care

What Is Wrong With My Lavender?

There are several common reasons why Lavender plants die. They include over-fertilization, improper watering, and acidic soil pH. Other reasons are inadequate sunlight, pests, and diseases.

How Do You Look After a Lavender Tree?

Since it is a Mediterranean tree, it needs fast-draining soil and a lot of sunlight. It can’t survive in extremely cold, damp, or shady conditions. Its preference is moderately fertile, dry, or poor soil, including those that are alkaline and chalky.

How Do You Revive a Dying Lavender Tree?

You can only transfer it to a pot and put it where there is a lot of sunlight. Even in winter, these plants require sunlight.

How Does Overwatered Lavender Look?

Overwatered Lavender has yellowish leaves. It may also drop, have an odor, and cause sodden soil.

How Does Underwatered Lavender Look?

It droops, but the soil is dried out.

How Do I Know That My Lavender Is Dying?

The stems will droop, and the foliage will turn brown.

Can Dead Lavender Come Back?

No. Remove and burn diseased plants. Replant them immediately in the fall and wait until spring because they take 8-10 weeks to get established.

Are Lavender Plants Easy to Maintain?

Yes. They only need well-drained soil and a lot of sun.

Does Lavender Spread?

Yes, in terms of vegetative growth. They can also spread by seed dispersal, but this is almost negligible.

Are Lavender Trees Perennials? (Is Lavender Tree Perennial?)


What Is Lavender Tree Size? (What Is Lavender Tree Height?)

2-3 feet (0.6-1 meter) tall.

Is Lavender Tree Outdoor?

Yes, especially if they are hardy in your growing zone.

Can You Grow Lavender Tree Indoors?

Yes. Because it needs low maintenance and attention and does well in pots.

Can Lavender Survive Winter in Pots?

Spanish and French Lavenders cannot survive winter in pots. They must be indoors for protection. English Lavenders, on the other hand, can survive winter in pots because they tolerate cold weather and frosts.

Does Lavender Come Back Every Year?

Yes. This will happen for between 3 and 5 years.

Can Lavender Tree Survive Winter?

Yes. English Lavender trees survive winters. But French and Spanish Lavenders do not.

Is a Lavender Tree an Outdoor or Indoor Plant?

In most cases, it is an outdoor plant. But it can also be grown indoors.

Are Lavender Trees Toxic to Dogs?

Yes. It has linalool, which can be toxic to animals, including cats and dogs. However, this compound exists in such small proportions that its toxicity is rare.

How Often Does Lavender Tree Bloom?

Twice in a season.

What if You Don't Prune Lavender?

It becomes woody and leggy and won’t be able to hold its weight.

Do Lavender Trees Bloom All Summer?

Some are regarded as summer bloomers, but others do it in early spring. Others bloom between midsummer and late summer, while others almost continuously from spring to the end of summer.

Is Lavender Poisonous?

Not to adults. But it can cause a reaction in children, which is majorly because of allergic reactions to the skin.

Can You Smoke Lavender?

Yes, the same way you do tobacco. Most people add cannabis, tobacco, or other herbs to it and smoke it.

What Does Lavender Do When You Smoke It?

If you do it with cannabis, it can be a pain reliever and muscle relaxer. Both cannabis and lavender have terpene Linalool that relaxes the body and mind.

Can You Eat Lavender?

Yes, you can add it when dried or fresh for its gorgeous color and flavor.

Can You Drink Lavender Tea?

Yes. It is a great way to unwind after a very tough day and relax.

Learn More About Lavender Tree

8 Endangered Tree Species Helping Fight Climate Change
Basswood Trees Guide: Identifying Using This 1 Odd Leaf Feature
8 Cherry Blossom Tree Tips to Know Before You Plant or Buy (Full Guide)
11 Magnolia Trees: Guide to Every Type (Colors, Sizes, Locations, Seeds)


1Adam, K. (2006). Lavender Production, Products, Markets, and Entertainment Farms. Wnc.edu. Retrieved September 7, 2022, from <https://www.wnc.edu/files/departments/ce/sci/attralavender.pdf>

2Government of Canada. (2022). Specialty Cropportunities – Lavender. Omafra.gov.on.ca. Retrieved September 7, 2022, from <http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/CropOp/en/herbs/lavender.html>

3Kimbrough, K., & Swift, C. (2022). Growing Lavender in Colorado. Extension.colostate.edu. Retrieved September 7, 2022, from <https://extension.colostate.edu/docs/pubs/garden/07245.pdf>

4Koulivand, P., Ghadiri, M., & Gorji, A. (2013). Lavender and the Nervous System. National Library of Medicine (NIH). Retrieved September 7, 2022, from <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3612440/>

5North Carolina State University. (2022). Lavender: History, Taxonomy, and Production. Newcropsorganics.ces.ncsu.edu. Retrieved September 7, 2022, from <https://newcropsorganics.ces.ncsu.edu/herb/lavender-history-taxonomy-and-production/>

6Utah University. (2022). English Lavender in the Garden. Extension.usu.edu. Retrieved September 7, 2022, from <https://extension.usu.edu/yardandgarden/research/english-lavender-in-the-garden>

7Zheljazkov, D., Cantrell, C., Astatkie, T., & Jeliazkova, E. (2022). lavender essential oils: Topics by Science.gov. Science.gov. Retrieved September 7, 2022, from <https://www.science.gov/topicpages/l/lavender+essential+oils>

8Government of Canada. (2022). Growing Lavender in Ontario: An Introduction for Prospective Growers. Omafra.gov.on.ca. Retrieved October 12, 2022, from <http://omafra.gov.on.ca/english/crops/facts/18-017.htm>

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11Couleur. Pixabay. Retrieved from <https://pixabay.com/photos/bath-oil-oil-lavender-fragrance-oil-2510793/>

12David J. Stang. (CC BY-SA 4.0). Resized, Changed Format. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lavandula_x_intermedia_Seal_1zz.jpg>

13 Consultaplantas. (CC BY-SA 4.0). Resized, Changed Format. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lavandula_x_intermedia_2c.JPG>

14David J. Stang. (CC BY-SA 4.0). Resized, Changed Format. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lavandula_x_intermedia_Grosso_0zz.jpg>

15David J. Stang. (CC BY-SA 4.0). Resized, Change Format. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lavandula_x_intermedia_Provence_0zz.jpg>

16NoName_13. Pixabay. Retrieved from <https://pixabay.com/photos/lavender-flower-purple-violet-2426376/>

17Javier martin. Public Domain. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lavandula_latifolia_EnfoqueEspiga_2010-6-17_DehesaBoyaldePuertollano.jpg>

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22Krzysztof Ziarnek. (CC BY-SA 4.0). Resized. Changed Format. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lavandula_stoechas_kz6.jpg>

23Buendia22. (CC BY-SA 4.0). Resized, Changed Format. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lavandula_angustifolia_%27Alba%27_1708.jpg>

24Luke Barnard. Unsplash. Retrieved from <https://unsplash.com/photos/u6EQMFb9_ho>

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13 Lavender Tree Care Mistakes (How to Care for Lavender Tree the Right Way) (2024)


How do you maintain a lavender tree? ›

Aim to let soil dry to a depth of 1 inch between waterings. Prune your lavender tree frequently, giving it a basic clipping to maintain the shape. Keep an eye on the underside of your topiary form especially, because stems tend to dangle down as they grow. Use scissors or ikebana-type shears to make pruning easier.

How often should you prune a lavender tree? ›

Pruning in late summer or early fall before the first frost encourages good air circulation, which guards against rot. So if you have the time, pruning twice a year is helpful for your plant.

Should lavender trees be in pots or ground? ›

Be sure to plant lavender in a pot, raised bed, or atop a retaining wall. Given sufficient drainage, plants will be winter hardy in zone 5 and areas that are warmer. If grown in a pot, lavender will need some protection during winter in zone 5 and areas that are colder.

Should I trim my lavender tree? ›

Pruning is important every year, but it's especially important the first few years of your lavender's life. Now is when your plant is establishing its woody base. If you don't prune it back the first year or two, your plant will shoot branches up and out, and as they grow they'll fall to the side.

Do lavender trees need to be pruned? ›

Regular pruning is essential if you want your lavender to look good, stay healthy and live longer. Properly pruned, some varieties of lavender can last up to 20 years. Left untouched, it soon becomes shapeless and woody, with few flowers and long, bare stems.

What is wrong with my lavender tree? ›

Wilting, yellowing, browning indicate water issues in dying lavender. Environmental stress and pests lead to leggy growth and discoloration. Revive with proper care: watering, sunlight, temperature, and pruning.

Does coffee grounds help lavender plants? ›

Since coffee grounds retain moisture, avoid using on plants that prefer drier soil such as cacti and succulents. Avoid using grounds on plants that prefer alkaline soil such as asparagus, beets, geranium, lavender, rosemary, and spiderwort.

What kind of fertilizer do lavender trees need? ›

Too much fertility can even kill a lavender plant, which is why products like quick-release synthetic nitrogen fertilizers are particularly dangerous for this herb. The only safe form of fertilizer is a small amount of compost that can slowly release minerals and nutrients over time.

What happens if you don't prune lavender? ›

Unpruned lavenders tend to become woody and have decreased blooms. However, lavender should not be pruned during the winter.

Do lavender trees bloom all summer? ›

While Lavender is usually regarded as a summer-blooming flower, some Lavender plants are early bloomers with their magnificent blooms appearing early in spring. Others are late bloomers with blooms opening up in midsummer and lasting until late summer. Some bloom almost continuously from spring to summer's end.

How big will a lavender tree get? ›

A lavender tree will generally remain quite petite in growth, with a height of 2-3 feet. However, if it is housed in a pot, it can appear a bit taller than that. The width can be up to 2 feet at the top depending on trimming and training.

Where should I not plant lavender? ›

Lavender enjoys lots of sunshine, so it should be planted in a sunny garden as flower borders, herb gardens, or low hedging. It will not survive long in shady places. A well-draining, chalky soil is also ideal for preventing rotting.

Are lavender trees easy to maintain? ›

Once established, lavender is very low-maintenance, but should be pruned annually. Plants that aren't pruned have a tendency to get woody and sprawl, leaving a hole in the middle. In Zone 7 and colder, pruning should be done after flowering in the spring. In Zones 8 and above, prune back after summer flowering.

Can a lavender tree stay outside in winter? ›

As mentioned above, English lavender is winter-hardy to Zone 5 and may only need a bit of help in the form of a thin layer of straw. Otherwise, lavender shouldn't need any extra care outdoors. Spanish and French lavenders, on the other hand, are only hardy to Zone 8 and will need to be brought indoors in colder areas.

How do you take care of a lavender tree indoors? ›

Provide Plenty of Light

Rotate the plant on a weekly basis so that all sides of the plant receive six to eight hours of direct sunlight. If there's not enough sunlight inside your home, place your lavender plant under grow lights for 12 to 14 hours each day.

Can a potted lavender tree survive winter? ›

If the pot is small, consider moving it to a larger pot with fresh soil for added insulation at least 6 weeks before your first frost. Let them be. During winter, lavender plants are in their dormancy state so if they have the right protection for their roots, they will be able to make it through the winter.


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