22 Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants for Colder Rooms (2024)

Here is the list of the best Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants for anyone looking forward to adding a natural beauty in chilly spaces!

Explore the best Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants that thrive in chilly conditions. These hardy houseplants bring nature’s charm to your cozy spaces!

Table of contents

Check out the Best Fruit Trees to Grow in Cold Climates in Pots here

Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants

1. Leadwort

22 Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants for Colder Rooms (1)

Botanical Name: Plumbago auriculata

Minimum Temperature Tolerance: 40°F (4°C)

Growing Tip: These Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants prefer well-draining soil. Bright, indirect light will ensure profuse flowering.

Why They Like the Cold: This plant is adapted to cooler, non-tropical regions and thus can withstand the indoor chill.

2. Jewel Orchid

22 Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants for Colder Rooms (2)

Botanical Name: Ludisia discolor

Minimum Temperature Tolerance: 50°F (10°C)

Growing Tip: It thrives in high humidity and low light, making it different from most orchids.

Why They Like the Cold: Native to the forest floors of Southeast Asia – these Cold Tolerant Indoor Plantsused to cool, shaded environments.

Orchid Leaves Splitting | 4 Major Reasons and Solutions

3. Rosary Vine

22 Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants for Colder Rooms (3)

Botanical Name: Ceropegia woodii

Minimum Temperature Tolerance: 45°F (7°C)

Growing Tip: Use well-draining soil and water sparingly. Bright, indirect light is ideal.

Why They Like the Cold: Originating from cooler regions of South Africa, it’s evolved to handle cooler temperatures.

4. Calceolaria

22 Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants for Colder Rooms (4)

Botanical Name: Calceolaria crenatiflora

Minimum Temperature Tolerance: 45°F (7°C)

Growing Tip: They prefer a well-lit location but not direct sunlight. Keep the soil moderately moist.

Why They Like the Cold: Native to cool, mountainous regions in South America, they are built for chillier conditions.

Check out How Cold Can Pothos Tolerate here

5. Elkhorn Fern

22 Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants for Colder Rooms (5)

Botanical Name: Platycerium bifurcatum

Minimum Temperature Tolerance: 50°F (10°C)

Growing Tip: These Cold Tolerant Indoor Plantsrequire indirect sunlight and a humid environment. Mist regularly.

Why They Like the Cold: Being epiphytic, they’re adapted to cooler, shaded environments beneath forest canopies.

6. False Shamrock

22 Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants for Colder Rooms (6)

Botanical Name: Oxalis triangularis

Minimum Temperature Tolerance: 50°F (10°C)

Growing Tip: Keep the soil slightly moist and place in bright, indirect light.

Why They Like the Cold: It goes dormant in hot conditions and prefers cooler temperatures to grow actively.

7. Baby Tears

22 Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants for Colder Rooms (7)

Botanical Name: Soleirolia soleirolii

Minimum Temperature Tolerance: 50°F (10°C)

Growing Tip: They love high humidity and indirect light. Keep the soil consistently moist.

Why They Like the Cold: Native to the Mediterranean, they’re accustomed to cooler, damp climates.

8. Aluminum Plant

22 Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants for Colder Rooms (8)

Botanical Name: Pilea cadierei

Minimum Temperature Tolerance: 50°F (10°C)

Growing Tip: Ensure bright, indirect light and water moderately, allowing the top inch of soil to dry out.

Why They Like the Cold: These Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants are native to theshaded Vietnamese environments have led it to prefer cooler indoor settings.

Check out Cold Hardy Succulents for Winters here

9. Panda Plant22 Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants for Colder Rooms (9)

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe tomentosa

Minimum Temperature Tolerance: 50°F (10°C)

Growing Tip: This succulent likes well-draining soil and should be watered sparingly.

Why They Like the Cold: As a native of Madagascar, it has adapted to its cooler highland regions.

10. Strawberry Begonia

22 Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants for Colder Rooms (10)

Botanical Name: Saxifraga stolonifera

Minimum Temperature Tolerance: 45°F (7°C)

Growing Tip: Prefers indirect light and consistently moist soil.

Why They Like the Cold: Being native to cooler areas in East Asia, these Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants thrive in chilly settings.

Outstanding Begonia Types & Varieties To Grow In Shade & Indoors

11. Blue Star Fern

22 Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants for Colder Rooms (11)

Botanical Name: Phlebodium aureum

Minimum Temperature Tolerance: 50°F (10°C)

Growing Tip: Keep in indirect light and maintain consistently moist soil.

Why They Like the Cold: Its origins in cooler regions of the America allows it to handle and prefer colder indoor conditions.

12. Moth Orchid

22 Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants for Colder Rooms (12)

Botanical Name: Phalaenopsis spp.

Minimum Temperature Tolerance: 60°F (15°C)

Growing Tip: Provide indirect sunlight and water once a week.

Why They Like the Cold: While still a tropical plant, these Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants prefer cooler end of the tropical spectrum and is used to drops in nighttime temperatures.

13. Clubmoss

22 Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants for Colder Rooms (13)

Botanical Name: Selaginella kraussiana

Minimum Temperature Tolerance: 50°F (10°C)

Growing Tip: This plant enjoys high humidity and indirect light.

Why They Like the Cold: Originating from the cool understoreys of African forests, it appreciates cooler indoor temperatures.

Check Brilliant Cold Weather Hacks for Plants to Create Warmth here

14. Feather Palm

22 Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants for Colder Rooms (14)

Botanical Name: Chamaedorea elegans

Minimum Temperature Tolerance: 50°F (10°C)

Growing Tip: Water moderately, allowing the top of the soil to dry out between watering.

Why They Like the Cold: Native to the rainforests of Southern Mexico and Guatemala, it’s acclimatized to cooler forest floors.

15. African Mask Plant

22 Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants for Colder Rooms (15)

Botanical Name: Alocasia amazonica

Minimum Temperature Tolerance: 60°F (15°C)

Growing Tip: Provide bright, indirect light and water once the top inch of soil dries.

Why They Like the Cold: While they enjoy tropical humidity, these Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants areused to cooler environments beneath thick canopies.

16. Pothos

22 Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants for Colder Rooms (16)

Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum

Minimum Temperature Tolerance: 50°F (10°C)

Growing Tip: Pothos are vining plants that are great for adding a touch of green to various indoor spaces.

Why They Like the Cold: Native to the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific, pothos are accustomed to the moderate temperatures and filtered light found under the forest canopy.

17. Snake Plant

22 Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants for Colder Rooms (17)

Botanical Name: Sansevieria trifasciata

Minimum Temperature Tolerance: 45°F (7°C)

Growing Tip: Snake plants are renowned for their air-purifying properties and their ability to thrive in low-light conditions.

Why They Like the Cold: Originating from West Africa, these Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants have adapted to withstand temperature fluctuations and low light levels.

Check the Best Cold Tolerant Fruit Trees You Can Grow in Garden here

18. ZZ Plant

22 Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants for Colder Rooms (18)

Botanical Name: Zamioculcas zamiifolia

Minimum Temperature Tolerance: 45°F (7°C)

Growing Tip: ZZ plants are hardy and drought-resistant, making them perfect for low-maintenance indoor gardening.

Why They Like the Cold: Hailing from Eastern Africa, ZZ plants have adapted to survive in fluctuating temperatures, allowing them to thrive in cooler indoor conditions.

19. Rattlesnake Plant

22 Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants for Colder Rooms (19)

Botanical Name: Calathea lancifolia

Minimum Temperature Tolerance: 60°F (15°C)

Growing Tip: Rattlesnake plants are known for their striking patterned leaves that fold up at night, resembling the rattle of a snake.

Why They Like the Cold: Native to Brazil, these Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants thrive in cooler temperatures and moderate humidity levels.

Check the Most Cold Tolerant Palm Trees here

20. Silver Vase Plant

22 Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants for Colder Rooms (20)

Botanical Name: Aechmea fasciata

Minimum Temperature Tolerance: 50°F (10°C)

Growing Tip: Silver vase plants are stunning bromeliads with tall, silver-grey leaves and vibrant pink flowers.

Why They Like the Cold: Native to the rainforests of Brazil, these plants are adapted to cooler temperatures and can bring a touch of tropical beauty to cooler indoor areas.

21. Nerve Plant

22 Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants for Colder Rooms (21)

Botanical Name: Fittonia spp.

Minimum Temperature Tolerance: 55°F (13°C)

Growing Tip: Nerve plants are characterized by their intricate vein patterns on their leaves and come in various colors.

Why They Like the Cold: Native to the tropical rainforests of South America, these Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants plants thrive in cooler, shaded environments.

22. Peperomia Frost

22 Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants for Colder Rooms (22)

Botanical Name: Peperomia caperata ‘Frost’

Minimum Temperature Tolerance: 50°F (10°C)

Growing Tip: Peperomia Frost has heart-shaped leaves with a unique frosty, silvery pattern.

Why They Like the Cold: Originating from South America, this peperomia variety can tolerate cooler temperatures and is an eye-catching addition to any indoor plant collection.

Check out Cold Hardy Tropical Plants to Create a Tropical Garden in Cold Climate here

Watch this video for more information

22 Cold Tolerant Indoor Plants for Colder Rooms (2024)


What house plants can tolerate cold? ›

8 indoor plants that can be grown outdoors
  • Cacti and succulents. Almost all cacti can withstand the cold. ...
  • Yucca. Although the Yucca likes to be in the sun in summer, the plant can withstand the cold in winter. ...
  • Sansevieria. ...
  • Hedera. ...
  • Laurel. ...
  • Fatsia. ...
  • Kalanchoe. ...
  • Clivia.

What is the best house plant for a cool room? ›

Snake Plant (Sansevieria): The ubiquitous snake plant is a tremendous houseplant that will survive almost anywhere. It will take low light, cool temperatures, and dry soil very well. Dracaena (Dracaena marginata): Dracaenacan also handle cooler temperatures with ease.

What are plants growing indoors during a cold winter most commonly damaged by? ›

As the cold air hits the leaves of actively growing plants, the water inside the leaves freezes — just like with houseplants. This damages the plant cells and, therefore, damages the plant.

What is the most cold sensitive plant? ›

Tender perennials are plants that are extremely cold-sensitive. If exposed to low temperatures, they will quickly die off. For these types of plants, which include the beloved Hibiscus, Impatiens, and Coleus, the temperature should never dip below 60-65° F.

What plant does well in below freezing temperatures? ›

Blue Spruce. The blue spruce tree is a perfectly picturesque winter plant. Not only does it look beautiful covered in snow, it is hardy in Zones 2-7, making it suitable for a large portion of the United States.

How do you protect plants from extreme colds? ›

Cover Plants – Protect plants from all but the hardest freeze (28°F for five hours) by covering them with sheets, towels, blankets, cardboard or a tarp. You can also invert baskets, coolers or any container with a solid bottom over plants. Cover plants before dark to trap warmer air.

How do you save cold damaged houseplants? ›

How Can You Treat Cold Shock?
  1. Water the Plant — The first thing to do is to water your affected plants. An inch of water will help your plant to recover.
  2. Avoid Fertilizing — Do not fertilize your plants during this time. ...
  3. Avoid Pruning — You may be tempted to prune away the damaged areas but have patience.

What plants are most sensitive to cold? ›

Some of those more sensitive to cold temperatures: Orchids (Phaleanopsis sp.), Mandevilla, Bougainvillea, Oriental Hibiscus, and Poinsettia.

What is the most cold-resistant plant? ›

Freeze-Proof Plants
  • 1 / 20. Coneflower. This rugged Tennessee wildflower can grow just about anywhere, and most varieties are hardy to Zone 3. ...
  • 2 / 20. Photo: Image courtesy of PerennialResource.com. Lily-of-the-Valley. ...
  • 3 / 20. Photo: Image courtesy of PerennialResource.com. Siberian Iris. ...
  • 4 / 20. American Mountain Ash.

How cold can potted plants tolerate? ›

Most houseplants are tropicals and prefer temperatures between 65-75°F during the day and about 10 degrees cooler at night. For many plants, temperatures below 50°F can cause problems. Adjust thermostats to cater to your comfort, but remember your plants need some consideration.

Can zinnias tolerate cold? ›

Optimal Temperature Range for Flowering and Growth

Think cooler, but not chilly—60-70°F (15-21°C) is your target zone. Below 50°F (10°C), you're flirting with disaster. Zinnias start giving you the cold shoulder, with growth slowing to a crawl.

Is 45 degrees too cold for houseplants? ›

Plants need to be transitioned indoors before the outside temperature starts dropping below 45 degrees Fahrenheit (7 degrees Celsius) at night. If it's a tropical plant, such as a potted lemon tree or passion flower, you'll want to start the transition before temperatures hit 50 degrees F (10 degrees C) at night.

What plants Cannot survive frost? ›

No Frost Tolerance
  • Beans.
  • Sweet Corn.
  • Potatoes.
  • Pepper, eggplant.
  • Cucurbits: Cucumbers, summer squash, melons (pumpkins and winter squash may be able to tolerate very light frosts, but it is better to protect them if possible).

What plants are chill resistant? ›

Some plant options that can thrive in these environments are ferns, indoor palms, and cacti. These plants are able to withstand low temperatures and also tolerate sudden changes in heat and cold. In addition, they usually require little direct sunlight, making them ideal for indoor spaces.


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Name: Frankie Dare

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