How to Clean a Kitchen (2024)

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  • Clean the Cabinets
  • Clean the Stovetop
  • Clean the Oven
  • Clean the Range Hood
  • Clean the Backsplash
  • Clean the Countertops
  • Clean the Sink
  • Clean the Floor
  • Kitchen Cleaning Tips


Clean the Cabinets

How to Clean a Kitchen (1)

Cabinet doors are prone to dirt, bacteria and grease, especially the ones you use most often.

  • Most surfaces can be wiped clean with a diluted grease-cutting dish soap or laundry detergent.
  • Use an oil-soap wood cleaner on wood cabinets.
  • For areas with tough stains, try a paste made with water and baking soda. Apply the paste to a wet towel and gently scrub the stain.
How to Clean a Kitchen (2)

Stovetop cleaning methods will vary based on the kind you have. Make sure the surface has completely cooled before you begin.

  • For electric stovetops, use a cloth to wipe down the top with water and a bit of dish soap. Clean the coil burners thoroughly. Remove the drip pans and let them soak in the sink for a bit. Lift up the top of the stove to clean the food splatters below.
  • For gas stovetops, remove the grates and reflector pans. Sit them in the sink with warm, soapy water to loosen the stuck-on food. Use a mesh pad to scrub the surface but avoid any metal parts. Wipe everything down with a damp cloth.
  • Glass stovetops are much easier to clean. Use a microfiber cloth with warm water and soap to clean the surface. Once it’s clean, dry it down with a fresh, lint-free cloth.


Clean the Oven

  • The simplest way to clean an oven is to use the self-cleaning feature. Remove any pans or trays and turn on the self-clean mode. This may take up to four hours depending on your stove size and type.
  • If you prefer to do it manually, use an oven cleaner on the inside walls, floor and door. Scrub it down with a stiff brush, then use a microfiber cloth to wipe it clean.
  • Clean the over racks in the sink with a grease-fighting dish soap.
  • Clean the outside of the door and wipe down the handle, knobs and trim of the oven.


Clean the Range Hood

How to Clean a Kitchen (3)

Your range hood draws smoke and fumes out of the house through an exhaust vent. It collects grease and dust daily. This will accumulate more if you use it often.

  • Wipe down the exterior with a damp cloth and a degreaser.
  • You’ll need to clean the hood's filter and interior depending on how often you run the vent fan.
  • The filters remove easily, and they can be soaked in warm water and a degreaser to loosen trapped grease.
  • Pop out the filter, rinse it with the faucet sprayer, shake off excess water and allow it to air dry.
  • Wipe out the interior of the hood with a rag dipped in water and a degreaser. Rinse often.
  • Towel dry the interior and replace the filters at least once a year.


Clean the Backsplash

How to Clean a Kitchen (4)

The backsplash is the area behind your stove that has a quite literal name - it catches food that splashes up during preparation or cooking. A little dish soap and water will work for most surfaces. For bigger splatters, use an all-purpose cleaner.

  • Choosing a product that dissolves grease will help remove the tougher grime that can build up behind the stove. This is especially important for tile backsplashes, where grime builds up along the grout lines.
  • Choose a product specially formulated for cleaning and brightening tile grout, or you can mix a water, soap and baking soda solution.
  • A grout brush will help remove tough stains and caked-on food.


Clean the Countertops

How to Clean a Kitchen (5)

For most people, cleaning a kitchen starts with the countertops. Keep them clean and sanitized, especially after you prepare a meal.

  • For laminate countertops, simply use a sponge and dishwashing soap. Avoid using bleach or acidic cleaners, these can permanently discolor the surface. Try using a toothbrush in the hard to reach crevices and along metallic seams. Rinse with a damp cloth and towel dry.
  • If you have a non-porous countertop like solid surface, avoid using an abrasive countertop cleaner that can scratch the surface. Best to clean with a towel or sponge. Keep your countertops clean and sanitized, especially after each time you prepare a meal.


Clean the Sink

How to Clean a Kitchen (6)

Cleaning the kitchen sink is a fairly easy task. Make sure not to skip this step. Your kitchen sink can be a breeding ground for bacteria so clean it pretty often.

  • For most surfaces, a mild soap and a sponge will be all you need. A household kitchen cleaner or even glass cleaner will also work.
  • Sprinkle on some baking soda to help remove odors, hard water stains and grease.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals and abrasive cleaners like steel wool or wire brushes on acrylic, cast iron or granite composite sinks. These will scratch the surface.
  • Give your garbage disposal some ice to crush, it will loosen food residue from the blades. Add a few tablespoons of baking soda to remove odors. Rinse with hot water.


Clean the Floor

How to Clean a Kitchen (7)

Sweep or mop your kitchen floor every day to stop dust and grime from building up.

  • Best to sweep before you mop to prevent scratching the surface.
  • Use diluted wood soap on your hardwood floors.
  • A damp mop and a little dish soap are usually all it takes for tile and vinyl. Sweep your kitchen floor every day to stop dust and grime from building up.


Kitchen Cleaning Tips

How to Clean a Kitchen (8)
  • Wear gloves to protect your hands from harsh chemicals.
  • When cleaning the kitchen each evening, run your sponges through the dishwasher. You can also put them in the microwave while damp for a quick freshen up.
  • Use a stainless steel cleaner for stainless steel appliances, hardware and finishes.
  • A grout brush helps clean tight corners and edges around the kitchen.
  • Don’t run range hood filters through your dishwasher. The grease may clog your dishwasher’s drain.
  • Make sure to keep children or pets away from the stove during the self-clean cycle to avoid injuries.

Understanding how to clean the kitchen properly is the key to making sure your space is neat and tidy all year long. Shop our selection of cleaning supplies today, and consider our subscription service to get convenience and savings delivered on your schedule.

How to Clean a Kitchen (2024)


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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.