Math Gifts Kids Will Actually LOVE (2024)

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Believe it or not, some of the best gifts are toys and games that nurture a love of math. For kids who already love math these gifts are a treat. However, for kids who haven't yet found joy in math, the right game or activity has the potential to encourage them to think about the subject in new ways.

Math Gifts Kids Will Actually LOVE (1)

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Math Gifts Table of Contents

  • Math Toys
  • Math Games
  • Books

Math Toys

Kids develop and learn skills during playtime. And those skills, like visual perception, patterning, enumerating and investigating are crucial for later academic success!

Math Gifts Kids Will Actually LOVE (2)


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Unit blocks are the classic toy. They provide endless amounts of entertainment, and teach everything from math concepts to physics all the while engaging a child's imagination. Every kid should have a set of unit blocks. No question. This is a great, basic set. Colors can be appealing to grown-ups buying toys, but neutral, unfinished block are the most versatile. Excellent for all ages!

Math Gifts Kids Will Actually LOVE (3)


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These colorful, wooden pattern blocks are a great math gift that doesn't look like a math gift! This block set offers kids the chance to build skills pattern recognition, matching, sorting, spatial awareness and one-to-one correspondence. Not only can they build designs based on the pre-determined patterns trays, but they can manipulate the blocks to arrange their own designs and patterns, allowing for endless creativity. Perfect for ages 3-6.

Math Gifts Kids Will Actually LOVE (4)


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This geometric marvel will mesmerize your kids for hours as they explore all the amazing shapes they can create. The box consists of magnetized puzzle pieces that you manipulate into seemingly endless shapes, drawing upon your spatial awareness and engineering design skills. It also makes a great fidget toy! Ages 8 and up.

Math Games

Some of the best math gifts for kids are games, and especially single player logic puzzles which also allow kids to strengthen their growth mindset skills. Here are our favorite single player and family math-themed games.

Math Gifts Kids Will Actually LOVE (5)


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If Scrabble and Qwirkle had a baby who loved math, it would be Sumoku! Players use basic math skills to create patterns and sets in a crossword style format. The best part is there are several variations so the game never gets boring. This has been a family favorite! Be sure to check out more of our favorite math games for kids. Ages 8 and up.

Math Gifts Kids Will Actually LOVE (6)


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Recommended for kids ages 10 to adult, Prime Climb is an excellent gift for any math-loving family. The game has won a ton of awards and is actually quite easy to learn. Plus, there are different variations of game play and even adults will be surprised at how much they learn and practice their math skills.

Math Gifts Kids Will Actually LOVE (7)


Find it: Amazon | Expansion packs

As the name implies, this is a giant version of Sudoku using colored wooden marbles instead of numbers. When your little genius has completed all the included puzzle cards, a card extension deck is also available. Ages 8 and up.

Math Gifts Kids Will Actually LOVE (8)


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Need a stocking stuffer for a kid who loves dice games and math? Math Dice are perfect. Although the dice come with instructions for a specific game, that won't stop kids from inventing their own! Don't forget to check out more great stocking stuffer games. Ages 6 and up.


In addition to the hands-on learning benefits of math games and toys, don't overlook the power of just the right book to inspire math learning. For more math books visit our book lists:

  • Math books for preschoolers
  • Math books for kindergartener - 2nd grade
  • Math chapter books
Math Gifts Kids Will Actually LOVE (9)


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These are not your run-of-the-mill workbooks! Remember those logic puzzles you did as a kid? Math Perplexorsare classic grid logic puzzles but with a math twist. Fortunately, the activity book series offers multiple levels for different grade levels, from easy to expert! Ages 7 and up.

Math Gifts Kids Will Actually LOVE (10)


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Doesn't everyone want to be a math genius? This clever, interactive book covers all things math, and then some. It's surprisingly entertaining. Ages 8 and up.

Math Gifts Kids Will Actually LOVE (11)


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This intriguingly named book will spur your child on to investigate math conundrums. Author Sean Connolly frames math problems as precarious and dangerous scenarios. The math problem begins with a story and presents the problem to be solved, advice on how to solve it, and several grid pages as workspace. For example, in "Tornado on Your Tail!" problem solvers must uses clues in the story to figure out how long they have to find shelter before being overtaken by a fast-approaching tornado. The solution to each problem is clearly laid out and explained. A highly entertaining way to practice math. Ages 10 and up.

Math Gifts Kids Will Actually LOVE (12)


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My son loved this book and spend hours looking through it! The aim of the book is to help readers understand factoring and prime numbers. It's great for visual learners. The book includes an explanation of how the numbers can be broken down into smaller units and every number from 1 to 100 is given an artistic representation based on its prime number components. Ages 7 and up.

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  • STEM books with toys to match
  • Best Star Wars gifts for kids

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Math Gifts Kids Will Actually LOVE (13)

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Train Gifts for Kids: Books, Toys and Games! »

Reader Interactions


  1. maryanne @ mama smiles says

    We LOVE snap circuits! And I think Johnny is getting Rush Hour for Christmas, all because of you! Thanks for all of these great ideas!


  2. Johanna says

    Thanks for these recommendations ~ good timing too, as I was searching for smart toys too!


    • Erica MomandKiddo says

      I'm glad they are helpful!


  3. Even in Australia says

    I got my kids Colorku. We already have Rush Hour - Jr. for them, regular for ME! We also have Qwirkle. But now I want to check out Sumoku and the monsters math book. I have one math lover and one math hater. I'm also interested in some non-fiction math books - I don't have my list in front of me but there are some by Betsy Franco, i think, and a few others that are poems about math or otherwise make math fun. I'm not sure they actually require or teach math SKILLS, but making it fun is half the battle. The actress from The Wonder Years has a few books out about how girls shouldn't fear math and reviewing math skills, but they are for older kids. Still, I want to look at them - I want to make sure they are not coming from a place talking about NOT fearing math because i don't want to implant the idea that girls (or anyone) should be afraid of math in either of my kid's heads. Would love to see your math book ideas. We also love the Paul Erdos biography, which is more bio than math, but does have a nice page or two on prime numbers.


    • Erica MomandKiddo says

      Rachel -- I'm not sure when I'll get to making my math books list, not at least until January - but I have some ideas on my Pinterest board for math Picture books (you don't have to have an account at Pinterest to view them):


  4. PramgaticMom says

    My son really loves Snap Circuits though it doesn't get more than a month's worth of use. We don't have those two kits so I think I will get them for him for Xmas! Great list!


  5. Amy @ Sunlit Pages says

    I am in love with this list! I know my five-year-old is still a little young for a lot of your recommendations, but I'm going to show this list to my husband and see if he thinks any of them will be a good fit for our kids this Christmas. But if not now, then definitely in the future! Thanks!


  6. Natalie says

    OK, my wallet is itching already! Too many toys and games I didn't know about! You certainly know how to show math geeks good time 🙂


  7. Julie says

    Can you please be my new best mommy friend! Love all these ideas. I'm a former teacher/math coach for intermediate students now turned stay at home mommy to three boys 5 and under. I love your ideas for being sneaky about math at home. We bought traffic jam junior for my 5 year old and he loves it. I am amazed at how much he has improved in such a short time. Thank you for all your work on your blog. What a gift!


    • Erica MomandKiddo says

      Ha Ha! All the credit for why there is so much math in our home really goes to my oldest son. His passion for it really leads the way.


  8. Anna says

    Pinning this for when my little mathematicians are ready for the challenge! Love this list.


  9. marieclx says

    What a great list! Been thinking of sumoku for some time - will have to read your post 🙂


    • Erica MomandKiddo says

      Yes, do! The Sumoku post is up today. It's a fabulous game!


  10. Jessica says

    I love Rush Hour, Sumoku, and Snap Circuits and so does my 4.5 yr old.


  11. Jen says

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for this wonderful list! We've enjoyed so many of your book and game recommendations but this list has been extra useful. I have a math loving kindergartener who's beyond his school curriculum so I've been supplementing at home. Math Perplexus and Logic Links have been a huge hit. My son begs to work on these books every chance he gets. In fact, he was late to school today because he couldn't put them down long enough to get ready in time. I also now have a very unwieldy Christmas gift idea list. There are so many great times to buy! Must start pruning that list...


    • Erica MomandKiddo says

      I'm so glad the list is useful for you! I also know the feeling of trying to get out the door while my son has is nose in of book of one kind or another!!


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Math Gifts Kids Will Actually LOVE (2024)


What to get people who like math? ›

Games & Toys
  • Sphero BOLT Coding Robot.
  • ThinkFun Math Dice. ®
  • KiwiCo Robot Coder Starter Kit.
  • Number Rockets.
  • The Golden Geometry Colouring Book.
  • Math Games with Bad Drawings.
  • Totally Bonkers Math Joke Book.
  • Talia's Codebook for Mathletes.
Nov 29, 2023

How do you raise a child who loves math? ›

Let your child see how important math skills are in your daily life and how frequently you use them. Ask for his help when you pay bills, measure a room for a new piece of furniture, or measure out ingredients for a recipe. Point out to him how doctors, pharmacists, builders, and astronauts all use math in their jobs.

What makes kids love math? ›

Kids Love Math when learning is fun

With their one-on-one tutoring, their multiple methods of teaching and reinforcing mathematical concepts, and their non-judgmental approach, kids enjoy learning math, and they gain the confidence that can help them master the very subject that, before Mathnasium, had been a struggle.

How do I keep my child interested in math? ›

Ways to Help Your Kids with Math
  1. Avoid saying you're bad at math. Stay positive! ...
  2. Talk about math. ...
  3. Frame this moment as a chance for kids to explore whatever math question interests them. ...
  4. Have your child teach you math. ...
  5. Try the new math. ...
  6. Do away with “drill and kill.” ...
  7. Take it slow.
Apr 13, 2020

What is a person who loves math? ›

A person who loves math is commonly referred to as a "math enthusiast" or a "math lover." They may also be called a "mathematician" if they have a professional or academic background in mathematics.

Are some people gifted in math? ›

Mathematically gifted children possess unusually high natural aptitudes for understanding mathematical concepts, and subsequently differ substantively to their peers in the way they view, understand and learn mathematics.

How do I get my 7 year old interested in math? ›

7 Tips to Help Your Child Love Math
  1. Listen to your child. Many adults speak negatively about topics they don't understand. ...
  2. Identify prerequisite skills. ...
  3. Incorporate games or other computer activities. ...
  4. Switch roles. ...
  5. Incorporate math into daily life. ...
  6. Connect math to other areas of interest. ...
  7. Connect math to literacy.

How do I help my 12 year old with math? ›

Make Math Fun: Math can be intimidating for some children, so it is essential to make it fun and engaging. There are plenty of online resources and games that can make learning math enjoyable. You can also create your math games or use everyday activities to teach your child math skills.

What do kids struggle with the most in math? ›

Kids who struggle with math may have trouble with very simple concepts, like “more” vs. “less” and “bigger” vs. “smaller.” They may not understand amounts or the order of things, such as “first,” “second,” or “third.” The ability to understand basic concepts like these is known as number sense.

Is being good at math genetic? ›

Maths ability is known to be heritable. Several genes that play a role in brain development influence the ability to do maths also. A study published in the PLOS Biology journal identified genetic variations and brain regions that affect maths ability.

Why are some kids naturally good at math? ›

It comes down to what kind of exposure and experiences children have early in their lives. Some parents see to it that their kids do more with numbers than others. They do more at home, they do more in social events, and they do more in school. These routine exposures make them appear good at math.

How do you teach students to love math? ›

8 Ways Teachers Make Students Love Math
  1. Let students ask (and answer) their own questions. ...
  2. Ditch the textbook and solve problems. ...
  3. See math everywhere. ...
  4. Fill your classroom with mathematical toys and games. ...
  5. Play! ...
  6. Be OK with mistakes. ...
  7. Let math leak into other subjects. ...
  8. Learn to love math yourself.
Sep 12, 2014

How do you motivate a child who hates math? ›

Do fun math games. Math games are perfect for kids who hate math, struggle with learning math, or do not feel self-motivated when working on math at school. Because kids enjoy and gravitate toward games, they're more apt to feel an intrinsic motivation to learn math problems while playing.

What are signs of dyscalculia? ›

Symptoms of dyscalculia
  • trouble processing numbers and measuring quantities, beginning in preschool.
  • difficulty understanding the association between a number (e.g., 3) and the quantity it represents (e.g., 3 carrots)
  • trouble telling time on a clock.
  • a hard time counting, comparing numbers or amounts.
Apr 29, 2022

At what age should a child know math? ›

Elementary school is when math slowly transitions from the world of songs, rhymes, and toys to one with pencils, and papers. Between the ages of 5 and 7, your child will start working on simple addition and subtraction problems and basic fractions.

What is someone who is good at math? ›

Use the noun mathematician when you talk about someone who is highly educated in — and good at — math.

What's it like to be mathematically gifted? ›

Some children who are gifted in math may understand 1-to-1 correspondence and ordinal numbers very early; some may be able to do complex arithmetic before they even go to school; and some of them immerse themselves in a world full of numbers, which may also be their favorite toys (like these we've seen in a few PreK ...


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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

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Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.