Street Fighter 6/Lily/Strategy - SuperCombo Wiki (2024)



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Important Pokes

5MP is Lily's best space controlling button. It has amazing range and a very disjointed hitbox, but is not cancelable which makes it vulnerable to Drive Impact. It does recover reasonably quickly though, and will recover in time to counter Drive Impact when pressed from a +3 situation or better.

2HP has slightly less range than 5MP and is slower, but is cancelable which provides a lot of strong options on block or hit. When done close enough it hits twice, which makes reacting to Drive Impact relatively easy.

4HP has slightly less range again, and is also slower. An important detail about this move is that Lily doesn't lean forwards during the startup. This means it can be used to challenge things like various characters' 2MK at a range where the opponent would score a counter-hit against the startup of Lily's other normals.

5HP crumples on Punish Counter, making it a very strong whiff punish move. Follow up with Drive Rush into a combo.

2MP is a solid counter-poke. It doesn't have as much range as 5MP, but it's relatively fast and has a very good hitbox. Throw this out in front of the opponent and buffer a cancel into 236236P. If the opponent walks into it, presses a button, or tries to Drive Impact or Drive Rush, the Super comes out on hit for a big punish.



Light Chains

Lily has great reach on her light punches. A typical light chain starts with 5LK for speed or 2LK for the low, followed by 1 or 2 light punches, typically 2LP due to having better range and less pushback.
2LP and 5LP do not form a true blockstring, which makes them vulnerable to perfect parry or reversals. On the other hand they will always catch an opponent trying to jump or backdash without needing to add a delay.

A 3-hit chain can be easily confirmed on hit into any of the following:

DR~5LP, 2HP/5MK/2MP2HP only combos if close enough.
236KKLess damage than drive rush, but also less expensive.
W.236MK / W.236LK / W.236KKW.236KK is the only one that reaches from the absolute tip of 2LP range.
W.236LK works from slightly further away than W.236MK.
SA1 / W.SA2 / SA3SA2 does not reach without Windclad.

A 2-hit chain also combos into any of the above, but can also be canceled into 623P for a resourceless combo.

Tick Throw

A tick throw means to tag the opponent with an attack and then immediately throw them. It's particularly important for Lily due to the long range of Mexican Typhoon.

The following table lists the advantage of various moves, and the gap when performing a grab immediately afterwards.
An advantage of +2 to +4 results in a perfectly timed throw that cannot be interrupted with a 4 frame normal.
An advantage of +5 or more requires a delay to avoid whiffing during the opponent's recovery and subsequent throw invulnerability.
An advantage of +1 can be interrupted with a 4 frame move, but it's possible to condition the opponent to block by using Lily's own 4 frame 5LK.
Light normals with a frame disadvantage (*) are still effective as the opponent can be conditioned to block by chaining into another light attack.

Any HP > DRLotsLotsLotsLotsLong blockstun gives the opponent more time to think.
5MK > DR+7+11+10+12Drive rush freeze makes the hit reactable.
2MK > DR+4+8+10+12Drive rush freeze makes the hit reactable.
5LK > DR+1+5+6+84fDrive rush freeze makes the hit reactable.
2LK-2*+2+2+47fExtremely good against a burned out opponent.
5LK-4*±0*+1+39f / 5f
5LP > DR-1+3+6+86fDrive rush freeze makes the hit reactable.
2LP > DR-1+3+5+76fDrive rush freeze makes the hit reactable.
5MK-1+3+2+46fExtremely good against a burned out opponent.
DI-3+18f / 4fWorks after locking a cornered burned out opponent with 2HP > DI.
214MP-8-4+2+4After a combo, can leave the opponent in range for microwalk 360LP.

It's possible to stop a light chain after 1 or 2 attacks to go for a command grab.

Assuming starting from right next to the opponent or after making them block a Windclad Condor Spire:

  • 1 light attack into 360MP, DR~360HP, or DR~Throw
  • 2 light attacks into DR~360MP.
  • In the corner, 1 light attack into 360HP.
  • In the corner, 2 light attacks into 360LP or DR~360HP.
  • In the corner, 3 light attacks into DR~360LP.
  • Any of the above using 360PP instead for damage.

The major difference between midscreen and the corner is that the opponent can walk backwards. Technically the above corner options also work midscreen, but will whiff if the opponent walks backwards, and Lily's low options aren't good enough to dissuade it.

The grab will lose to mashing a fast move or reversal, and gives the opponent an optimal punish if they jump or backdash. It's important to condition the opponent to block before going in with grabs, because the punishment for whiffing a command grab can be much higher than the reward for landing one.

Another important thing to be aware of is that if the opponent takes the hit instead of blocking they will be stunned for longer. This means if the opponent gets hit and you do not delay the command grab, the grab can whiff and gift them an optimal punish counter combo. In particular, this causes problems with 5LP and 2LP into grab as they have a large advantage on hit and there is very limited time to react. 2LK and 5LK are less prone to this problem as they have a relatively low advantage on hit.

Condor Wind

2HP is the best for this as it has a lot of range and the most blockstun. 2HP > 214PP is a true blockstring and one of the safest ways to generate stocks. Another true blockstring option is DR~2HP/4HP/6HP > 214MP.
To avoid using gauge, Lily can play a guessing game with the opponent between canceling into 214LP or 214MP/214HP. Both options are unsafe, but the ways to punish them are different and do not usually overlap.
2HP > 214LP is a staggering -25 on block which makes it safe against Drive Impact, but punishable by basically anything else.
2HP > 214MP/214HP counters most things that would punish 214LP, but is vulnerable to invincible moves and armored moves, including Drive Impact.
Drive Impact and armor can be countered by confirming into Level 3 Super. It's somewhat difficult to react, so it can be helpful to hold the button for a moment to delay the hit and buy some extra time to react. Modern controls can automatically hitconfirm the Super with Heavy Assisted Combo, which performs 2HP > 214MP > 214214P.

Condor Spire

Condor Spire without Windclad stocks can be spaced to have the advantage on block.
In particular, 2HP > 236LK is +1 on block if 2HP connects at maximum range.
The OD version is fast with a lot of reach, which makes it practical to throw out raw from the right range.
The Medium and Heavy versions are generally too slow to get away with outside of combos and blockstrings.

If slightly misspaced to not have the advantage but still be safe on block, the common response is for the opponent to immediately press their 4 frame normal; especially ±0 or -1 where their throw will lose to 5LK, or at -3 where they might mistake it as being punishable. The predictable timing of this makes it very reasonable to attempt a Perfect Parry into 360HP.

Windclad Condor Spire is almost always +1 on block.
5LK will interrupt the opponent's attempts to mash or jump out.
Throws will lose if the opponent mashes their 4 frame move, so they must be conditioned to block or parry before command grab becomes a viable option.

OD Windclad Condor Spire is almost always +2 on block. Lily's throws will beat mashing here, which lets her lean on them a bit more heavily.
This move is very well suited for just throwing out in neutral as it cleanly beats projectiles and Drive Impact.
The most reliable way for an opponent to deal with this move is to block and drive reversal. If you have more drive gauge than the opponent, it can be worthwhile to just keep doing it until the opponent either runs out of drive gauge or decides to take the mixup.

vs. Burnout

Lily has airtight blockstrings when using Windclad Condor Spire against an opponent in burnout.

The following are airtight blockstrings from any range, even if the first hit of Condor Spire whiffs:

  • 2HP/6HP > W.236MK/LK/KK
  • 4HP/5HP/5MK > W.236LK/KK

Using a heavier version of Spire than the above deals more chip damage, but requires being closer to the opponent to avoid leaving a gap.
W.236KK allows the longest range, followed by W.236LK, W.236MK, and then W.236HK with the shortest range.
W.236HK does not work with Light normals, but the other versions work with any normal if close enough to the opponent.

After making the opponent block a Windclad spire, the blockstring can be looped for as long as Windclad stocks are available.

  • W.236K > 2LK > 2LP > W.236LK
    Airtight loop that hits the opponent low with 2LK if they try to jump out.
  • W.236K > 5LK > W.236MK
    Doesn't hit low, but deals more chip damage.
  • W.236K > 5LK > DR~5LK > 236KK > 236236K
    An expensive airtight sequence that deals more chip damage than W.236KK > 236236K

At any point in the above blockstrings, it's possible to stop and go for a grab, or do nothing to bait a reversal.

Without Windclad stocks, some good meterless patterns to follow are:

  • 3 Light Attacks, 2HP > 236LK
    Beats or trades with most counter-poke attempts but loses to certain lows like Ken's 2MK.
    The Light Spire is an airtight blockstring spaced to still be advantageous on block.
    The extra blockstun from burnout makes 2HP safe against forward jump unless the opponent has a dive.
  • 3 Light Attacks, 4HP > 236LK
    Leaves a bigger gap but the sheer range of it beats the counter-pokes that the above would lose to.
    The extra blockstun from burnout makes 4HP safe against forward jump unless the opponent has a dive.
  • 2 Light Attacks, 2LP > 236LK
    Canceling the last light into spire catches the opponent trying to jump away from either of the above.
    Even if too far to catch them on the way up, they can still be hit on the way down with 2HP or 623P.
    If spaced perfectly the spire can still be ±0 on block, but it does leave a gap for the opponent to anti-air.

The exact light attacks to use depends on the distance. Here are some examples:

Airtight strings that set up 2HP distance.

  • W.236K, 5LK > 5LP > 2LP, 2HP
  • W.236K, 2LK > 2LP > 2LP, 2HP
  • W.236KK, 5LK > 2LP > 2LP, 2HP

Moving the low to the 2nd hit, but with a gap after the initial spire.

  • W.236K, 2LP > 2LK > 2LP, 2HP

Keeping the opponent slightly closer to avoid whiffing 4HP and/or 214HP.

  • W.236K, 5LK > 2LP > 2LP, 4HP/2HP
  • W.236KK, 2LP > 2LP > 2LP, 4HP/2HP

Setting up a ±0 spire with the ability to anti-air Tomahawk Buster if the opponent backjumps out. Vulnerable to backdash.

  • W.236K, 2LK > 2LK > 2LP > 236LK
  • W.236KK, 5LK > 2LK > 2LP > 236LK

If you choose to set up an advantageous 236LP, it can be looped by alternating between 2 and 3 light normals for each string.

  • W.236K, 5LK > 2LP > 2LP, 2HP > 236LP, 5LK > 2LP, 2HP > 236LK, 5LK > 2LP > 2LP > 2HP ... etc

Adjustments can be made on the fly to push the opponent a slightly different distance away for different setups.
In order from least to most pushback: 2LP < 5LK=5LP < 2LK
So if you want to push them further away you can swap out 2LP for 5LP, or vice-versa to keep them closer.

Okizeme and Mixups

  • All scenarios assume that opponent will Back Rise midscreen when possible, unless otherwise stated.
  • With a large advantage it's possible to do any of the options listed for one of the shorter advantages above it, but a manual delay or a frame-kill setup is needed.
    e.g. It's possible to go for a throw after a +9 knockdown, but it needs to be delayed by 4 to 7 frames to be effective.
KnockdownKD Adv.Oki/Notes
236KK, 66, 66
(Corner) W.236LK, 214LP
DR~5LK (Block)
+05LK: Trades with 4f jab, staying in range to grab with 360LP/360PP
(Corner) W.236HK, 214MP
W.236K (Block)
DR~2MP/3HP (Block)
360P/Throw: Loses to 4f jab
W.236LK, 9
(Corner) W.236MK, 214LP
W.236KK (Block)
DR~2LK/2HP/4HP (Block)
+22LK: Low
5LK: Less pushback, more damage
- Note that W.236LK setups allow the opponent to switch sides if they don't backroll.
214MP (Hit)+2 (Far)Micro-walk 360LP/360PP: Loses to jump or midscreen back-walk
2LP: Catches jump. Combo into DR~5LP/2LP or W.236KK
2MK > DR~5LP: Leaves a gap but catches back-walk, DI-Reactable
W.236HK, 236MK
W.236KK, 236HK
DR~5LP/2LP/5MK (Block)
+32LK: Low
- Note that 236K setups allow the opponent to switch sides if they don't backroll.
W.236MK, 9+42LK: Low
5LP/2LP: Safe vs 13f reversal (Lily SA1)
214214P (HKD)+4 (Far)
W.236LK, 66, 66
(Corner) W.236HK, 214LP
(Corner) W.236KK, 214MP
+52LK: Low
5LP/2LP: Safe vs 12f reversal (Kimberly SA1)
360P/Throw: Post-knockdown only. Whiffs when +5 on block/hit.
(Corner) 236236P, 66+65LP: Meaty (+7 OH, +0 OB), Safe vs 11f reversal
2HP: Confirmable, Trades into 2HP combo vs 4f jab, DI-Reactable
2MK > W.236LK: Low, DI-Break, +1 OB, Trades into 2LP combo vs 4f jab
W.236HK, 236LK
W.236HK, 9
W.236MK, 66, 66
(Corner) W.236LK, 214[PP]
(Corner) W.236KK, 236236P, 66
(Corner) 214PP > W.236236K, 66, 66
+75LP: Meaty (+8 OH, +1 OB), Safe vs 10f reversal (AKI/Jamie/Manon SA1)
2HP: Confirmable, DI-Reactable
2MK > W.236LK: Low, DI-Break, +1 OB
(Corner) W.236KK, 214LP+92HP: Confirmable, DI-Reactable
2MK > W.236LK: Low, DI-Break, +1 OB
W.236HK, 66, 66+102HP: Confirmable, DI-Reactable
4HP: Trades into 2HP combo vs 4f jab, DI-Safe
2MK > W.236LK: Low, DI-Break, +1 OB
236LK, 66+122HP > 214MP: Meaty true blockstring, confirmable into SA3 on hit or to beat DI
W.236KK, 66, 66+14DR~5LP: +10 OH, +3 OB
4HP: Meaty (+6 OH, -1 OB), DI-Safe, confirmable into SA3
2HP: Meaty (+3 OH, +1 OB), DI-Safe, true blockstring into 214MP
623P, 66+15DR~5LP: +10 OH, +3 OB
4HP: Meaty (+7 OH, +0 OB), DI-Safe, confirmable into SA3
236MK, 66
236HK, 66
+16DR~5LP: +10 OH, +3 OB
4HP: Meaty (+8 OH, +1 OB), DI-Safe, confirmable into SA3
Forward Throw+20DR~dl.2HP
(Corner) Walkup 360MP/360PP: 360HP is possible but strict.
- Be aware that a 6f OD reversal beats DR and cannot be blocked in time.
(Anything listed below)+21 or greaterDR~dl.2HP/4HP
DR~Block: -5 (Reversal bait)
236236P+27 (Far)(Corner) 66: +6
(Corner) 236LK: Meaty (KD +44 OH, +3 OB), DI-Safe
(Corner) DR~4HP: Meaty (+12 OH, +5 OB), DI-Safe
W.236KK, 236236P+28 (Far)(Corner) 66: +7
(Corner) 236LK: Meaty (KD +45 OH, +4 OB), DI-Safe
360P (HKD)
360PP (HKD)
+28 (Far)DR~dl.2HP
214HP+30 (Far)
+32236MK: Meaty (KD +49 OH, +4 OB)
Back Throw+32 (Far)(Corner) 236MK: Meaty (KD +49 OH, +4 OB)
+3366: +12
236HK: Meaty (KD +46 OH, +1 OB)
DR~3HP: +6 OH, +1 OB
236LK can gain up to 12f more advantage by hitting late.
623P+3666: +15
236HK: Meaty (KD +49 OH, +4 OB)
DR~3HP: +7 OH, +2 OB
Can gain advantage as an anti-air or hitting from a distance against a standing opponent.
+3766: +16
DR~3HP: +8 OH, +3 OB
Can gain up to 12f more advantage by hitting late.
214PP+39 (Far)10f Safe Jump (Ed)
2HK (Juggle)+40~41
W.623P+40~Advantage varies depending on combo height and opponent distance.
+40 after a minimum height juggle.
+41 against a grounded opponent.
+4266, 66: +0
7f Safe Jump (Blanka, Dhalsim SA2, Manon SA2)
236KK can gain up to 12f more advantage by hitting late.
236236K can gain or lose advantage when hitting an airborne opponent.
+436f Safe Jump (Dee Jay, Jamie, Kimberly, Rashid)
Crumple > DR~2HP > DR~4HP > 236MK
Crumple > 4HP > DR~4HP > W.623HP
(Corner) Crumple > 4HP > *.236KK > 236236K
+445f Safe Jump
Late-hit 236LK+33~45One of the above depending on how late it hits.
66, 66: +3 (After perfect meaty hit)
W.236236K+46 (Far)(Corner) 66, 66: +4
(Corner) 214[PP]: +6
+4766, 66: +5
9: +2 (side-switch if opponent doesn't roll)
(Corner) 214LP: +0
(Corner) 214[PP]: +7
214PP > W.236236K
+47 (Far)(Corner) 66, 66: +5
(Corner) 214LP: +0
(Corner) 214[PP]: +7
*.623PP > j.PPP+47 (Far)Advantage varies depending on combo height and distance.
W.623PP > W.j.PPP+48 (Far)Advantage varies depending on combo height and distance.
W.236MK+4966, 66: +7
9: +4
236LK: +4 (side-switch if opponent doesn't roll)
(Corner) 214LP: +2
Late-hit 236MK
Late-hit 236HK
+37~49One of the above depending on how late it hits.
W.236HK+5266, 66: +10
9: +7
236LK: +7
236MK: +3 (side-switch if opponent doesn't roll)
(Corner) 214LP: +5
(Corner) 214MP: +1
Late-hit 236KK+42~54One of the above depending on how late it hits.
W.236KK+5666, 66: +14
236HK: +3 (side-switch if opponent doesn't roll)
(Corner) 214LP: +9
(Corner) 214MP: +5

Drive Rush

When canceling a normal into Drive Rush on block and following it up with another normal, there may be an interruptible gap in the blockstring. The following table lists these blockstring gaps when performed at the fastest possible timing.

Gap ValueMeaning
0 True Blockstring (no gap) if input with fastest button timing; can still lose to Drive Reversal
1 to 4Small blockstring gap; opponent can interrupt with an invincible reversal; a 4f gap can trade with 4f normal attack
5+Large blockstring gap; opponent can interrupt without an invincible attack

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Drive Rush Cancel - Blockstring Gaps
5HP~DR0 0 0 0 0 0 125916
5MK~DR0 0 0 0 123471118
2HP~DR0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1512
2MK~DR0 1234567101421
4HP~DR0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14815
6HP~DR0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3714

The following table lists the general BnB combo routes when canceling a button into Drive Rush on hit.

Drive Rush Cancel - Combo Routes
StarterHit Adv.Combo Route
5LP~DR+6(Close) DR~5LP, 2HP > ...
(Far) DR~5LP/2LP, 5MK > ...
(Far) DR~5LP/2LP, 2MP > Super
5MK~DR+10DR~2HP > ...
5HP~DR+14DR~4HP, 5MK > ...
DR~4HP, 2MP > Super



  • SA2: 236236K
    • 9f startup. Full invulnerability.
    • Can be safe-meaty jabbed by A.K.I., Blanka, Cammy, Chun-Li, Dee Jay, Guile, Jamie, Juri, Ken, Rashid, Ryu.
    • Cannot be safe-meaty jabbed by Dhalsim, E.Honda, JP, Lily, Luke, Manon, Marisa, Zangief.
    • Also catches anyone silly enough to try to bait a throw by jumping.
    • Range increases when Windclad, allowing it to catch some meaty fireballs.
  • SA3: 214214P
    • 7f startup. Full invulnerability.
    • Cannot be safe-meaty jabbed but loses to jump.
  • SA1: 236236P
    • 13f startup. Strike/Throw invulnerability.
    • Beats Throws and Medium/Heavy attacks.
    • Cannot punish most light attacks and loses to projectiles.
  • 623P
    • 6f startup (light version). Anti-Air invulnerability.
    • Beats certain airborne meaties like E.Honda's headbutt.
  • 623PP
    • 6f startup. Throw/Anti-Air invulnerability.
    • Beats throws but not much else.
  • W.623LP / W.623PP
    • 4f startup. Anti-Air invulnerability.
    • Beats safe jumps, but can be baited with an empty jump.
  • 360LP/360PP
    • No invulnerability.
    • Beats shimmy and delayed buttons. Loses to everything else.
  • Forward Jump
    • Can be used to escape corner throw loop; loses to normals and can be anti-aired after throw whiff
    • Immediate j.PP or j.PPP can punish opponent's throw
    • Inputting a backwards Air SA2 after crossing up can punish opponent's anti-air uppercut (risky call-out)


  • 623P
    • Anti-air invulnerability.
    • Heavy version can sometimes allow an opponent land from an empty jump and block. Use other versions for consistency.
    • The Windclad version must be done late to get all the hits, otherwise it results in poor damage.
  • 623PP > j.PPP
    • Deals a ton of damage. Especially with Windclad stocks.
    • Can also be followed up with SA2 in the corner, absolutely destroying an opponent for attempting to jump out.
  • SA2: 236236K
    • Hits directly above Lily in both directions.
    • Fully invincible all the way up, meaning it can be used to anti-air JP when there are Amnesia orbs on the screen.
  • 2HP
    • Hits above, in front of, and behind Lily, sending the opponent back to the front.
    • On Counter Hit, combos into 214HP/214MP/236HK/236MK.
    • Does not lead to a combo on regular hit. The above specials can be timed to hit meaty but are vulnerable to reversals. Beware of an opponent taking the hit with an empty jump and mashing SA3 on their landing.
  • SA3: 214214P
    • Can be used to catch the landing frames of jump attacks and dive kicks.
    • Not effective against empty jumps, as the opponent can cancel their landing into a reversal or backdash.


  • W.236KK
    • Projectile invulnerable for the entire duration of its active frames.
    • Confirms into SA2 on hit.
    • Near the corner it also confirms into W.623P or SA1.
  • *.j.PP / *.j.PPP
    • Can be used on reaction to a projectile if already in the air when the opponent throws it, making neutral jump a strong mid-range option.
    • The OD version is more consistent due to moving faster.
  • j.MP / j.HK
    • Lily's longest range jumping normals.
    • j.HK has slightly less range but leads to a bigger reward.
  • 5MP
    • Can interrupt projectile startup from a good distance.
  • 4HP
    • Has enough range and a small enough hurtbox to hit an opponent through their projectile, trading hits.
  • 214MP/214MP/214PP
    • Can tag the startup of a projectile from a very long distance, or even trade hits after the startup.
    • It's possible to do this in front of a projectile with no intention of hitting the opponent, trading health for a Windclad stock. Be particularly careful about doing this at longer distances, as the opponent often has time to chase the hit with a combo.
  • 2LP
    • It's possible to intentionally jab a slow projectile before it reaches you to take the hit and get rid of it early, creating a gap if the opponent attempts to Drive Rush after it.
    • This can't be excessively relied on due to the health cost, but is practical as a last moment emergency measure when about to block a slow fireball at perfect Drive Rush range. Especially during burnout.
  • W.236236K / 214214P
    • Can be used on reaction to close range projectiles. Tags the opponent's hands from deceptively far away.
    • SA2 requires Windclad for the extra range.

Fighting vs. Lily



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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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